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1.贵州师范学院 生物科学学院;2.贵阳市乌当区人民医院
以百尾参多糖脱色率、多糖损失率为指标,通过单因素和正交试验研究活性炭含量、时间、温度和pH对多糖脱色效果的影响,优化百尾参多糖最佳脱色条件;对Sevage法、三氯乙酸(TCA)法、蛋白质等电点法以及酶法4种脱蛋白方法进行比较,选择较好的脱蛋白方法。建立环磷酰胺免疫低下小鼠模型,研究百尾参多糖的免疫调节活性。结果表明活性炭脱色的最佳条件是活性炭加入量1%、温度60 ℃,时间45 min、pH 4.5;酶法为4种方法中较好的脱蛋白方法。百尾参多糖能加速恢复环磷酰胺致小鼠免疫器官萎缩,也能剂量依赖性地提高小鼠血清中的白介素-2(IL-2)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)等细胞因子含量,表明百尾参多糖对环磷酰胺的免疫抑制具有保护作用。
关键词:  百尾参  多糖  脱色  脱蛋白  免疫活性
分类号:Q 933
基金项目:贵州省自然科学基金招标项目 黔教合KY字[2015]374;贵州省一流师资团队建设项目黔高教发 2017;贵州省大学生创新创业训练项目 2018520552贵州省自然科学基金招标项目(黔教合KY字[2015]374);贵州省一流师资团队建设项目黔高教发【2017】158;贵州省大学生创新创业训练项目(2018520552 )
Decoloration, deproteinization of Disporum cantoniense (Lour.) Merr. polysaccharide (DCP) and its protective effect against cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression in mice
LONG Tingting1,XIA Lisha1,FANG Yueyue1,TENG Shuxue2,CAO Jianfeng1
1.School of Biological Sciences, Guizhou Education University, Guiyang 550018, Guizhou, China;2.Affiliated Wudang Hospital of Guiyang People’Hospital, Guiyang 550018, Guizhou, China
In terms of the pigment removal rate and polysaccharide loss rate, the single factor test and orthogonal design were used to select the optimal pigment removal conditions of Disporum cantoniense (Lour.)Merr.polysaccharide(DCP) by studying the concentration of active carbon, decolorization time, pH and decolorization temperature; and better deproteinization method was selected by comparing the Sevage method, TCA, protein isoelectric point method and enzymatic method. The immunomodulatory activity of the DCP was evaluated by the cyclophosphamide (Cy)-induced immunosuppressed-model in vivo. The results showed that the best decoloration conditions were 60 ℃, 45 min, active carbon of 1% and pH 4.5. The enzymatic method was better for the deproteinization. The DCP could significantly accelerate recovery of spleen and thymus indexes, DCP treatment restored the levels of IL-2, TNF-α in the serum of the Cy-treated mice in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, DCP plays an important role in the protection against immunosuppression in the Cy-treated mice and can be used as a potential immune stimulant agent.
Key words:  Disporum cantoniense (Lour.) Merr.  polysaccharide  decoloration  deproteinization  immune activity