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1.湖北省三峡地区生态保护与治理国际联合研究中心;2.湖北正江环保科技有限公司;3.日本名城大学 农学部,日本 名古屋 468-8502
GET是一种国外新研发的在田间利用秸秆进行甲烷生产的技术。为了推动该技术在我国的实际应用,本研究以稻草与牛粪为发酵原料,水稻田土壤作为基底,采用正交试验法,测试了温度、发酵基质配比(稻草∶牛粪)和秸秆腐熟剂浓度对混合厌氧发酵产气量的影响。结果表明:各处理因子的产气动态呈“S”型增长模式,但在快速增长时间和增长幅度上有一定区别。30 ℃和40 ℃处理的累积产气量显著高于10 ℃和20 ℃处理的累积产气量;发酵基质配比以1∶1处理的累积产气量最大,分别比1∶0(对照)、1∶2和1∶3配比高34.12%、20.39%和21.78%;秸秆腐熟剂浓度的产气效果在实验范围内随着浓度的增加而增加。厌氧发酵过程中各实验因子下挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)含量和pH在20 d左右分别有一个高峰和低谷值且都有较大差异,各因子主要是通过在这个时期对厌氧发酵进程的影响而对整个产气量产生影响。综合分析显示稻草厌氧发酵产生物甲烷的最优组合为:温度30 ℃、发酵基质配比1∶1、秸秆腐熟剂浓度8%。
关键词:  GET技术  厌氧发酵  正交试验  方差分析
基金项目:湖北省科技创新专项重点项目 2016AHB014湖北省科技创新专项重点项目(2016AHB014)
Study on methane produced by mixed anaerobic fermentation based on GET technology
WANG Wan1,CHEN Fangqing1,HUANG Yongwen2,TAMURA Hiroto3,LIU Yangyun2,GUAN Shoupeng1
1.Hubei International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Center of Ecological Conservation and Management in Three Gorges Area, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China;2.Hubei Zhengjiang Environmental Science & Technology Co., Ltd, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China;3.Deparment of Environmental Bioscience, Meijo University, Nagoya 468-8502, Japan
GET is a new technology developed recently for methane production using straw in the field. In order to promote the practical application of this technology, this study employed an orthogonal experiment to test the effects of temperature, fermentation matrix ratio and concentration of straw decomposing agent on methane production in the mixed anaerobic fermentation. Rice straw and cow dung were used as fermentation raw materials, and the paddy soil as substrate in the experiment. Results showed that the dynamics of gas production of each treatment factor displayed the “S” pattern, but there were certain differences in rapid increasing time and increasing range. The accumulative gas production at 30 °C and 40 °C was significantly higher than that at treatments of 10 °C and 20 °C. The maximal accumulative gas production occurred in the mixture of 1(rice straw)∶1 (cow dung), increased by 34.12%, 20.39% and 21.78% contrasted to the mixture of 1∶0 (control), 1∶2 and 1∶3. The accumulative gas production increased with the increasing of straw decompose concentration within the experimental range. During the anaerobic fermentation process, there was a peak value of volatile fatty acid content and a valley value of pH about 20 d, respectively. The peak value and valley value differed among treatments. It suggested that these experimental factors affect the accumulative gas production by influencing the volatile fatty acid content (VFAs) and pH during that time. The comprehensive analysis showed that the optimal combinations for methane production in anaerobic fermentation of rice straw were 30 °C, mixture of 1(rice straw) ∶1 (cow dung), and straw decompose concentration of 8%.
Key words:  GET technology  anaerobic fermentation  orthogonal test  analysis of variance