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三峡大学 生物技术研究中心
关键词:  高粱  胚性愈伤组织  非胚性愈伤组织  体胚  组织细胞学观察
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 31371596 国家自然科学基金(31371596)
Histocytological observation of somatic embryogenesis in Sorghum bicolor
JI Yanli1,CHEN Faju1,DENG Wei1,ZHANG Dechun1
Biotechnology Research Center, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China
In this study, the non-embryonic callus, embryogenic callus and somatic embryos of Sb33 sorghum as materials were used, and paraffin method was applied for morphological and histological observation of different kinds of materials to study their histopathological differences. The results showed that the sorghum non-embryonic callus has no starch granule accumulation, the sorghum embryogenic callus accumulates more starch granules, while the sorghum somatic embryo starch granules accumulate more than the embryogenic callus. It indicates that the accumulation of starch granules is closely related to the somatic embryogenesis of sorghum. In addition, sorghum globular embryos can be produced at the base of the torpedo embryo, which will achieve the proliferation of somatic embryos. The sorghum in vitro regeneration pathway is dominated by somatic embryogenesis and a small number of organogenesis pathways exist simultaneously. In sorghum somatic embryogenesis, both external and internal origins exist simultaneously. This study provides a theoretical basis of cytology for somatic embryogenesis in sorghum.
Key words:  Sorghum bicolor  embryogenic callus  non-embryonic callus  somatic embryo  histocytological observation