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中国水产科学研究院 黑龙江水产研究所
关键词:  墨脱四须鲃  肌肉营养成分  氨基酸  脂肪酸
分类号:S965.199; TS201.4
Nutritional composition of the muscle in Barbodes hexagonlepis
WANG Nianmin1,LI Lei1,WU Song1,QIN Dongli1,MA Bo1,JIN Xing1
Heilongjiang River Fishes Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science, Harbin 150070, Heilongjiang, China
Barbodes hexagonlepis is a kind of delicious, nutritional and large fishes in the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbu River. Analysis of the muscle of the B.hexagonlepis with conventional methods was carried out, and the results showed that: it contains crude 18.6 % protein, 0.65 % crude fat, 79.1 % moisture and 1.4 % ash. Its muscles contain 16 amino acids, the amino acid score(AAS) was 77.142, chemical score (CS)was 47.368, the essential amino acid index( EAAI) was 86.157, and the first limited amino acid was Met+Cys; amino acid branch/aromatic value(BCAA/AAA) was 2.434. Its muscles contain 22 fatty acids. Essential fatty acids accounted for 38.4 % of the total fatty acids, moreover,index of atherogenicity(IA)and index of thrombogenicity(IT) were 0.359 and 0.230, respectively. Therefore, the muscle of B.hexagonlepis is a good source of protein and fat, and the fish has the potential to be cultivated and developed.
Key words:  Barbodes hexagonlepis  nutritional composition of muscle  animo acid  fatty acid