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三峡大学生物与制药学院,湖北 宜昌,443002
关键词:  植物  活性氧  抗氧化  逆境胁迫
Advances in antioxidative stress metabolism in plants
GAO Yuan,XUE Yanhong,LIU Shiping
College of Life Science and Pharmacy, Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, Hubei, China
In the process of growth and development, plants produce metabolic byproducts of reactive oxygen species, which play a dual role in plant growth. Appropriate amount of active oxygen species can increase the tolerance of plants to stress. However, excessive reactive oxygen species can induce oxidative burst reactions, which seriously affect the growth and development of plants. Therefore, improving the antioxidant capacity of plants is particularly important for improving the ability to resist stress. This research has also become a research hot spot in adversity biology in recent years. The plant evolved an antioxidant system containing enzymes and non-enzyme components in response to the dynamic imbalance of reactive oxygen species caused by the adverse environment. This paper mainly introduces the related substances involved in the metabolism of reactive active oxygen species in plants. The metabolic pathways reported in recent years are reviewed, which provides a reference for improving the resistance of plants.
Key words:  plant  reactive oxygen species  antioxidation  adversity stress