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西安医学院 药学院
关键词:  叶边缘  叶脉  生长素  调控因子
Advances in plant leaf margin and venation pattern regulation mechanism
ZHENG Mengdi,WANG Chunyang,ZHANG Han,ZHANG Yan,WANG Xingjun
College of Pharmacy, Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China
Leaf morphology is commonly used to distinguish different plant species. Leaves initiate from the lateral of shoot apical meristem to develop into flat structure of various sizes and shapes. The structure of leaf seems simple, but the molecular mechanism of regulating leaf morphology and structural development is complicated. The development of leaf blade is regulated by plant hormones, transcription factors, a series of protein factors and environment conditions. In terms of leaf marginal morphology, Aux/IAA auxin response inhibitor family proteins affect leaf initiation and growth and leaf marginal structure by regulating the discrete distribution of maximum auxin concentration; NAM/CUC transcription factors promote the separation and differentiation of serrated leaf margins and leaflet in compound leaves, NAM/CUC and Aux/IAA regulate auxin through different pathways; Arabidopsis thaliana RAX1 gene/Lycopersicum esculentum Potato-leaf gene and Arabidopsis thaliana JAG gene/Lycopersicum esculentum LYR gene promote leaf serration development; RCO regulates the development of leaflet in compound leaves independent of the distribution of auxin; factors in trans-small interfering RNA pathway participate in leaf marginal development in tomato; in addition, in Arabidopsis thaliana, mir164A, CUC2, PIN1, DPA4, SVR9-1 and SVR9L-1 constitute complex regulatory networks that affect the development of leaf serration. In terms of leaf vein development, correct location of PIN1 affects leaf vein development; AS1 and AS2 participate in the polarity differentiation of leaf in far and near axis; moreover, loss of function of AXR6, MP, BDL, CVP factors affects the development of leaf vein; in addition, auxin, PIN1, Aux/IAA, MP and ATHB8 constitute feedback cycle to regulate cotyledon vein formation.
Key words:  leaf margin  venation  auxin  regulator