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家蚕是一种重要的经济昆虫,家蚕病原细菌造成的蚕病为蚕业生产带来巨大损失。本研究从自然感染病蚕组织中分离得到高致病力的家蚕病原细菌LZ10-1,结合16SrDNA分析和形态学观察结果,菌株LZ10-1为蜡样芽胞杆菌(Bacillus cereus)。对鳞翅目害虫棉铃虫和粘虫添食LZ10-1芽胞原液72h,供试昆虫的矫正死亡率分别为100%和95.7%,表明家蚕病原细菌具有防治农林害虫的潜力,作为杀虫资源具有开发利用的价值。发掘家蚕病原细菌的生防潜力,能提高蚕桑行业现有资源利用,是拓展行业发展新方向的有益探索。
关键词:  家蚕病原细菌  16SrDNA  生物防治  棉铃虫  粘虫  蚕桑资源开发
分类号:S884 Q939.96
Isolation and identification of strain LZ10-1,apathogen of Bombyx mori,and its pathogenicity to Lepidopteran insects
ZHOU Hongying;SUN Bo;HAO Yu;HU Xingming;WU Hongli
Economic Crops Institute,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Domesticated silkwormBombyx mori has important economic value,while considerable losses in cocoon production can be attributed directly to silkworm diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria.In this study,high pathogenic strain LZ10-1 was isolated from naturally infected silkworm.In combination with the results of 16 SrDNA analysis and morphological observation,strain LZ10-1 should be Bacillus cereus.This work can provide theoretical basis for accurate prevention and control of silkworm diseases in sampling site,and provide reference for the other insect pathogenic research.The corrected mortality of Helicoverpa armigera and Mythimna separata was 100% and 95.7%,respectively,after the tested insects were fed spores of strain LZ10-1 for 72 h.Bioassay results indicated that silkworm pathogenic bacteria possess the potential to control pests and the value of development and utilization.Exploring the biocontrol potential of silkworm pathogenic bacteria can improve the utilization of sericulture resources,and is a useful exploration to expand the new direction of industry development.The results of this study also confirm,to a certain extent,the possible source of the silkworm pathogen.
Key words:  pathogenic bacteria of Bombyx mori  16SrDNA  biocontrol  Helicoverpa armigera  Mythimna separate  development of sericulture resource