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关键词:  佰珞生态(Biolog-ECO)  稠油藏  地层水  代谢活性  功能多样性
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41373086); 国家科技重大专项(2016ZX05050011);北京市青年英才计划(YETP0670);北京市科技新星与领军人才培养课题(Z161100004916033)
Functional diversity on microbial communities in formation water with different exploitation methods in heavy oil reservoirs
MU Hongmei;WAN Yunyang
College of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum
Due to anthropogenic intervention,the exploitation of heavy oil increases the complexity of the microbial community in the reservoir,and the microbial activity and metabolic diversity need to be clarified.In this study,formation waters of 8 production wells were collected,which were explored by different methods and located in the Liaohe oilfield,and microbial community functional diversity was analyzed by using Biolog-ecology(Biolog-ECO)technology.The results showed that the microbial community had obvious advantages in metabolism of amino acids and polymers,followed by carbohydrates and carboxylic acids,amines and phenolic compounds in the lowest level.The average well color development(AWCD)tendency follows the order of steam soak(SS)>polymer flooding(PF)>steam flooding(SF).The Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H′),Simpson dominance index(D)and Pielou evenness index(J)tendency follows the order of PF>SS>SF.The microbial community of production wells changed greatly in the oil and water system after exploitation method replacement from water flooding(WF)to PF,and showed higher metabolic diversity.The temperature gradient range of SS(46~350 ℃)was wider than SF(37~290 ℃),this indicated that microorganism can select suitable temperature environment for growth and reproduction,and had stronger metabolic activity to carbon source than other exploitation methods.Research showed that the microbial community of formation water from SS and PF had strong utilization capacity of carbon source.These results can provide insights into the microbial resources and metabolic characteristics of complex heavy oil reservoirs,and the application of endogenous activation and directional screening of functional microorganisms.
Key words:  biolog-ecology(Biolog-ECO)  heavy oil reservoir  formation water  metabolic activity  functional diversity