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关键词:  肚倍  迁飞  青麸杨  美灰藓  挥发物
Composition of volatiles released from spring migrant Kaburagia rhusicola Takagi host plants
ZHENG Hua,ZHA Yuping,CHEN Jingyuan,LI Kai,ZHANG Wenwen,XU Juan,LIU Lanxiang,ZHANG Hong,Research Institute of Resources Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry
Research Institute of Resources Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Hubei Academy of Forestry
The sustainable development of Kaburagia rhusicola Takagi production depends on harmonious intergrowth between the aphid and its host.It is necessary to investigate the composition of host plant volatiles which can induce migration of the aphid.Such volatile samples were collected fromRhus potaninii Maxim and Eurohypnum leptothallum(C.Muell.)Ando.during the main stages of the aphid migration in early spring,varying at 3altitude levels in Zhushan County,Hubei Province.Volatile compounds were analyzed by automatic thermal-desorption gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(ATD-GC/MS).Results showed that K.rhusicola migrated from its winter host to summer host during the period of seasonal change between winter and spring,which could be induced by volatile secondary metabolites released from such host plants.Among all components determined in each sample,terpenes were predominated compounds with the highest relative contents in volatiles.As the migration progressing from early to the peak and late periods,terpenes with high content ofα-pinene achieved more predominant ratio in the volatiles from summer host.In three sampling sites,the ratio of terpene content of R.potaninii volatiles was higer than that of E.leptothallum.The ratio was over 50% at the beginning of migration and enlarged at the peak and late period,so terpenes were the predominating chemicals in the volatiles.For reasons such as temperature,the advantage effect of terpene volatility was much stronger at the relatively low altitude levels,where the spring migration would occur earlier.
Key words:  Kaburagia rhusicola Takagi  migration  Rhus potaninii Maxim  Eurohypnum leptothallum(C.Muell.) Ando  volatile