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本文利用显微拍照和电镜扫描技术,以黄缘窗萤(Pyrocoelia analis)、穹宇萤(Pygoluciola qingyu)和雷氏黄萤(Aquatica leii)为例,对四川峨眉山较为常见的三种萤火虫幼虫臀足的形态结构及功能进行了研究。研究表明,三种萤火虫幼虫臀足的相似特征为:腹内侧均有趾钩,趾钩的排布规律基本相同;均为左右对称的两部分,背外侧的臀足较长,腹内侧的臀足较短;基本都为白色透明。不同特征为:黄缘窗萤幼虫的臀足数量最多,穹宇萤次之,雷氏黄萤最少;黄缘窗萤幼虫的臀足存在一级或两级的分叉现象,而另外两种则无此现象;臀足基部的斑纹和刚毛的情况各有不同,差异较大。三种萤火虫幼虫臀足都有着相似的功能:吸附功能,将身体吸附在物体上;作为清理工具,清理体表黏着的泥土等脏物;辅助爬行。此外,穹宇萤幼虫还可利用臀足筑巢化蛹。
关键词:  萤火虫  臀足  形态  功能
Morphology and function of the pygypodia of three species of firefly larvae
LIU Piao,CAO Chengquan,TONG Chao,CHEN Shenzhi,LU Congcong,RANLA Kelong,College of Life Science,Leshan Normal University
College of Life Science,Leshan Normal University
Taking Pyrocoelia analis,Pygoluciola qingyu,Aquatica leii as examples,which are common in Mount Emei of Sichuan Province,the morphology and function of the pygypodia of three species of firefly larvae were studied by microscopic photographs and electron microscopy.The results show that the pygypodia of three species of firefly larvae have the similar characteristics as follows:the arrangement of the crochets in the ventral region is basically the same;pygypodia have two symmetrical parts,and longer in the dorsolateral region and shorter in the ventral region;they are basically white and transparent.Different features of the pygypodia of three species of firefly larvae are as follows:for the number of pygypodia,P.analis has the most,P.qingyutakes the second and A.leii has the least;the pygypodia of P.analis are forked growth,while the other two species have no such phenomenon;the markings and setae on the base of pygypodia are very different.The pygypodia of three species of firefly larvae have the similar functions:attaching their bodies to an object,cleaning the soil and other dirt on body surface,and helping to crawl.P.qingyularvae can also use the pygypodia to build a nest and then pupate.
Key words:  firefly  pygypodium  morphology  function