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关键词:  肚倍  成分  含量  采摘
Analysis of the major components of bellied gallnut during different growth period
LIU Lanxiang,ZHA Yuping,CHEN Jingyuan,ZHENG Hua,ZHANG Wenwen,XU Juan,ZHANG Hong,Research Institute of Resources Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry
Research Institute of Resources Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Hubei Academy of Forestry
Bellied gallnut is a kind of commercial Chinese gallnut.It is rich in tannin,gallic acid and other important ingredients,and has important medicinal value and industrial use.It is of great significance to study the changes of the main components of bellied gallnut in different growth and development periods.Bellied gallnuts were picked from Dongchuan nursery of Yishui,Xiaojiaya of Wenfeng,Wangjiawan of Desheng,Zhushan County,Hubei Province.The bellied gallnuts were weighed and then tested content of the main ingredients once every 10 days until the mature insect galls burst.The bellied gallnuts in different places were rich in total tannin(about 70.0%),free gallic acid(about 5.0%),1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-beta-glucopyranose(β-PGG,about 6.0%),total soluble sugar(about 8.2%),amino acid(about 7.5%),etc.In different growth periods,there was no significant difference in the content of these main ingredients.Several kinds of heavy metal elements iron(Fe),zinc(Zn),copper(Cu),barium(Ba),lead(Pb)and arsenic(As)did not accumulate in the growth process and did not affect the harvest time.Taking into account the growth and economic value of bellied gallnut,it is the most appropriate time for picking the bellied gallnuts when they are the largest,not bursted and not rotted.
Key words:  bellied gallnut  ingredient  content  picking