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关键词:  食用蜻蜓  稚虫  营养成分分析  氨基酸评价
Nutrition composition and evaluation of six edible dragonfly naiads
JIANG Yunya,ZHAO Ming,HE Zhao,WANG Chengye,SUN Long,FENG Ying,Research Institute of Resources Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry
Research Institute of Resources Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Utilization of Resources Insects,State Forestry Administration of the P.R.China
To utilize the resource of edible dragonflies scientifically,we analyzed and valued the nutritional composition of six common edible dragonfly naiads collected in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces of China.The contents of protein,oil,carbohydrate,moisture,ash,amino acid,mineral element and fat soluble vitamin were analyzed by Kjeldahl method,Soxhlet extration method,anthrone colorimetry method,auto analysis of free amino acid method,atomic absorption method,inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method(ICP-MS)and high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).The results showed that the average content of moisture of six common edible drangonfly naiads were 81.17%,the average contents of protein,oil,carbohydrate and ash were 65.62%,9.80%,3.01% and5.47% respectively from dry basis.Their amino acid composition fits the ideal protein pattern established by WHO/FAO,and the limiting amino acids were Met+Cys and Trp.The closeness degrees of protein of six common edible drangonfly naiads to egg protein were 0.59~0.66.They were rich in mineral elements,especially Calcium and Selenium,and as high as 0.252~3.859mg·kg~(-1) α-tocopherol was detected in six specimens.Edible dragonflies have prospects of development and utilization,but it should be noted that some heavy metal elements in some species exceed the standard.
Key words:  edible dragonfly  naiad  analysis of nutritional component  amino acid analysis