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通过研究幻紫斑蝶(Euploea core Cramer)成虫对6种寄主植物和2种非寄主植物的产卵选择,以及用5种寄主植物饲养下幻紫斑蝶的发育、存活和繁殖情况,为幻紫斑蝶人工规模化养殖提供理论依据。幻紫斑蝶成虫优先选择聚果榕,其次选择古钩藤和马利筋进行产卵;用黄花夹竹桃饲养的幻紫斑蝶发育历期最长,用马利筋饲养的幻紫斑蝶发育历期最短;用古钩藤、爬森藤和马利筋饲养的幻紫斑蝶蛹的质量、体长和头宽均大于其它两种寄主植物;用古钩藤、爬森藤和聚果榕饲养的幻紫斑蝶存活率较高,而黄花夹竹桃最低;用古钩藤饲养的幻紫斑蝶成虫产卵量、交配频率和卵孵化率均最高,其次为爬森藤。因此,聚果榕、古钩藤和马利筋可作为幻紫斑蝶成虫产卵的优势寄主,古钩藤和爬森藤可作为饲养幻紫斑蝶的优势寄主。
关键词:  幻紫斑蝶  寄主植物  产卵选择  存活  繁殖
Effects of host plants on oviposition selectivity and population fitness of Euploea core Cramer
LIAO Huaijian,LIU Weifen,DU Ting,SHI Lei,ZHOU Chengli,DENG Jiang,Research Institute of Resource Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry/Key Laboratory of Cultivating,Utilization of Resources Insects of State Forestry Administration
Research Institute of Resource Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry/Key Laboratory of Cultivating and Utilization of Resources Insects of State Forestry Administration,Experimental Center of Subtropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry
Oviposition selectivity of adult Euploea core for six host plants and two non-host plants,and development,survival and reproduction of E.core population reared on five host plants were studied to provide theoretical basis for its large-scale captive propagation and utilization.Adult E.core was more likely to choose Ficus raecmosafor oviposition than other hosts,followed by Cryptolepis buchannani and Asclepias curassavica.Development duration of E.core reared on Thevetia peruviana was the significantly longest among five hosts,and the development duration on A.curassavica was the significantly shortest.The weight,body length and head width of E.core pupae on host C.buchannani,Parsonia laevigata and A.curassavica were much higher than other hosts.The survival of E.core population on host C.buchannani,P.laevigataand F.raecmosa were significantly higher than other hosts,and the survival on T.peruviana was the significantly lowest.The fecundity,mating frequency and egg hatchability of E.core reared on C.buchannani were significantly higher than other hosts,and followed by the host P.laevigata.Thus,F.raecmosa,C.buchannani,and A.curassavica would be chosen as priority host plants for E.coreto lay eggs,and C.buchannani and P.laevigatacould be chosen as priority host plants to mass rearing of E.core.
Key words:  Euploea core Cramer  host plant  oviposition selectivity  survival  reproduction