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关键词:  紫胶产量  截干  修枝整形  久树
Effects of stem cutting and pruning on germination of branches and lac yield
ZHAO Jingwen,LU Zhixing,CHEN Youqing,Research Institute of Resources Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry
Research Institute of Resources Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry
In order to explore the effect of tending of host plant on lac yield,Schleichera oleosain arid-hot valley of Yuanjiang County was dealt with stem cutting,and Schleichera oleosain Honghe County was dealt with pruning.Germination ability of branches and lac yield were investigated.The results were as follows:the height and average diameter in the cutting position had no significant correlation with total length and number of branches,but the number of branches in the cutting position had significantly positive correlation with total length and number of branches.And in three mode of pruning,the length,diameter and surface area of branches in moderate mode,which kept branches about 12,were more favorable for improving lac yield.The height and average diameter in the cutting position had no significant correlation with lac yield,but the number of branches in the cutting position,the total length and number of branches and the length of branches holding lac insect had significantly positive correlation with lac yield.And the yield in pruning of moderate mode and the yield per plant were the highest.Stem cutting and pruning could influence lac yield,and reasonable tending can help to improve lac yield.
Key words:  lac yield  stem cutting  pruning  Schleichera oleosa