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关键词:  九香虫  不同处理  人胃癌细胞  抑制作用
Effect of Aspongopus chinensis Dallas by different treatments on human gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells in vitro and its antitumor component distribution
CAO Milan,WU Youfang,GUO Jianjun,The Provincial Key Laboratory for Agricultural Pest Management of Mountainous Region,Institute of Entomology,Guizhou University
The Provincial Key Laboratory for Agricultural Pest Management of Mountainous Region,Institute of Entomology,Guizhou University
This experiment was aimed to investigate the proliferation effects of Aspongopus chinensis Dallas by different treatments on the gastric cancer cells and the distribution of tumor suppressor active components under cold treatment.Human gastric cancer SGC-7901 cell was cultured in vitro and the same concentration of protein was prepared.Methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium(MTT)assay was used to observe inhibitory effect on SGC-7901 cells.The results showed that when the protein concentrations of A.chinensis Dallas were 50 and 100mg·L~(-1) from traditional Chinese medicine processing method,the inhibitory rates to SGC-7901 cells for 48 h were 13.45% and 14.68%.However,the growth of SGC-7901 cells was strongly promoted by high concentration at 200 and 400mg·L-1,with the inhibitory rates of-7.94%and-82.50%respectively.While SGC-7901 cells were significantly inhibited by different concentrations of A.chinensis Dallas under the frozen processing,the inhibitory rates were 0.49%,3.82%,4.42% and 39.33% at the protein concentrations of 50,100,200 and 400mg·L~(-1) respectively.Compared the maximum concentration of the whole body with its different dissected parts of A.chinensis Dallas,the inhibitory effects of the hemolymph and abdominal aqueous solution were higher than that of the head and whole body.Therefore,the cold treated A.chinensis Dallas had higher inhibitory rates on gastric cancer cells,and the anticancer active components were mainly distributed in the hemolymph and abdomen.
Key words:  Aspongopus chinensis Dallas  different treat ment  human gastric cancer cell  inhibitory effect