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关键词:  混合菌群  发酵  秸秆  动力学模型
Synthesis and dynamics analysis of mycoprotein by fermentation of straw using mixed microbes
PANG Xiufen,WANG Haoju,DUAN Ruoyi,TIAN Ping,Department of Applied Chemistry,Xi'an University of Technology
Department of Applied Chemistry,Xi'an University of Technology,Department of Environment,Tianjin University
Fermentation of straw using mixed microbes can improve the degradation rate of straw and increase the conversion rate of mycoprotein,which could help broadening the sources of protein feed and alleviating the environment pollution.The raw material,wheat straw,was pretreated via method of cellulose enzyme hydrolysis.Residue of crude fibre was decomposed firstly by Aspergillus oryzae to provide sufficient carbon source and energy for the next process.According to metabolic characteristics and coordination mechanisms of different microbial systems,the composition of mixed microbial flora at the fermentation stage was determined,including Aspergillus oryzae,Candida utilis and Bacillus subtilis.Orthogonal experiments were conducted to analyze and optimize the influence factors,which showed that the order of main influencing factors of the fermentation was ratio of straw and bran>inoculation ratio>fermentation time>fermentation temperature.Detailed optimal fermentation conditions were as the following:the inoculation amount of A.oryzae at 2.5%;after 12 hfermentation,5%C.utilis was inoculated and 2.5% B.subtilis was inoculated 8hlater at fermentation temperature of 28℃;the ratio of wheat straw powder and bran was 4∶1and the amount of urea was 1.2%.Furthermore,dynamic study showed that the optimized fermentation time was35 h,and the protein content increased from 5.47% to 25%.On the basis of Logistic equation,dynamic model and kinetic equation were established for optimum fermentation conditions.The results revealed that the fermentation of straw using mixed microbes improved the protein content,and dynamics analysis played a dominant role in analyzingthe fermentation mechanism,dynamic changes and optimizing fermentation.
Key words:  mixed microbes  fermentation  straw  kinetic model