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关键词:  木瓜三萜  吲哚美辛  胃黏膜  表皮生长因子  三叶因子1
Effect of triterpene fromChaenomeles speciosa(Sweet) Nakai on gastric acid secretion and gastric mucosal barrier function in indomethacin induced mice
HE Haibo,ZHANG Yongfeng,LI Xiaomei,LI Xiaoqin,QIN Huilin,LIU Chengxiong,TANG Hongbo,WANG Junzhi,ZOU Kun,Hubei Key Laboratory of Natural Products Research,Development,College of Biological,Pharmaceutical Sciences,China Three Gorges University
Hubei Key Laboratory of Natural Products Research and Development,College of Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences,China Three Gorges University,Department of Pharmacy,Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University
To investigate the effect of triterpene fromChaenomeles speciosa(Sweet)Nakai on gastric acid secretion and gastric mucosal barrier function in indomethacin induced mice,and to explore its possible mechanism,the mice were randomly divided into normal,model,triterpene fromChaenomeles speciosa(Sweet)Nakai(50and 100mg/kg)and omeprazole(20mg/kg)groups.One time per day,the drug groups were administrated with corresponding drugs,normal and model groups were lavaged with 0.5%sodium carboxymethyl cellulose solution.Every 6hours after intragastric administration,the mice were orally given 20mg/kg indomethacin,1time per day for 7days,except normal group.The day after the last administration,the mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of chloral hydrate,and the abdominal cavity was cut open and the gastric body was exposed.The gastric mucosal blood flow,gastric mucus content of gastric juice volume,acidity and gastric binding,mRNA and protein expression of epidermal growth factor gene(EGF)and trefoil factor 1 gene(TFF1)in gastric mucosa were determinated.The result showed that in the model mice induced by indomethacin gastric mucosal blood flow,the gastric mucus content of gastric juice volume,acidity and gastric bind-ing,gastric mucosal mRNA and protein expression of EGFand TFF1 were decreased significantly compared with the normal group(P<0.01).After pretreatment with triterpene fromChaenomeles speciosa(Sweet)Nakai,the aforementioned abnormal changes were effectively reversed compared with the model group(P<0.05,P<0.01).Our study displayed that triterpene fromChaenomeles speciosa(Sweet)Nakai(50and 100mg/kg)had a good protective effect on indomethacin induced mice,by upregulating the expression of EGFand TFF1,increasing the gastric mucosal blood flow,gastric mucus content of gastric juice volume,acidity and gastric binding,and then recovering gastric mucosal barrier function.
Key words:  triterpene from Chaenomeles speciosa(Sweet)Nakai  indomethacin  gastric mucosa  epidermal growth factor  trefoil factor 1