摘要: |
魔芋试管苗及种芋栽培试验结果表明:试管苗采用土壤、蛭石-珍珠岩和液体培养均可获得2~20g的种芋;种芋栽培以蛭石-珍珠岩或透气性良好的土壤作基质最好 ,煤灰中有害物质对魔芋产生毒害作用. |
关键词: 魔芋 试管苗 种芋 工厂化栽培 |
DOI: |
分类号:S567.204.8 |
基金项目:湖北省科技厅重大科技基金 |
Study on Industrialized Cultivation of Konjac's Tube-Plant and Seed-Tuber |
Abstract: |
We have compared the effect of UV-laser composite mutagenesis and UV mutagenesis on abscisic acid(ABA)- producing strains. The result showed that the positive mutant rate and the increase ratio of productivity were higher in UV-laser group than in UV group .A high yield and stable strain was obtained after UV-laser treatment. Its productivity was over 2.1 mg·g -1 during five generations and 32% higher than that of the original strain. |
Key words: konjac tube-plant seed-tuber industrialized cultivation |