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为探讨肌酸对提高大鼠运动能力的作用,观察了肌酸对游泳大鼠血清、心肌和骨骼肌乳酸、糖原含量和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性的影响.实验用雄性wistar大鼠24只,随机分为正常组、游泳对照组和游泳补充肌酸组.两个游泳组每天游泳训练1h,9天后,游泳4 h,测定血清、心肌和骨骼肌乳酸水平,测定血清和骨骼肌乳酸脱氢酶活性以及心肌与骨骼肌糖原含量.结果显示:肌酸可抑制游泳运动后大鼠血清、心肌和骨骼肌乳酸浓度以及血清LDH活性的升高幅度,抑制心肌和骨骼肌糖原含量及骨骼肌LDH活力的下降.以上结果表明,肌酸可改善运动后机体乳酸和糖原的代谢,降低运动性疲劳,提高大鼠的运动能力.
关键词:  肌酸  运动  乳酸  糖原  乳酸脱氢酶
Effect of Creatine on the Content of Lactic Acid and Glycogen and the Activity of Lactat Dehydrogenase in Swimming Rats
To study the function of creatine in the promotion of movement of rat, the effect of creatine on the content of lactic acid and glycogen and the activity of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) in swimming rats were observed. 24 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups as follows: control group, swimming-training group and swimming-training group in which the rats were fed with fodder containing creatine supplement. The rats in the two swimming-training group were forced to swim for one hour everyday. After nine days training, the rats were forced to swim for 4 hrs. The content lactic acid in serum and skeletal muscle and myocardia, and the level of glycogen in skeletal muscle and myocardia, and the activity of LDH in serum and skeletal muscle were determined. It was found that creatine could lower the content of lactic acid in serum and skeletal muscle and myocardia and the activity of LDH in serum, and raise the contant of glycogen in skeletal muscle and myocardia from swimming rats. The result suggest that creatine could promote metabolism of lactic acid and glycogen after swimming, and decrease fatigue and increase exercise capability.
Key words:  creatine, exercise, lactic acid, glycogen, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)