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1. 山东农业大学生命科学学院,;2. 北京解放军总医院
关键词:  胃癌组织  氨基酸
Determination of Amino Acid Content in the Tissue of Human Gastric Cancer and Normal Stomach
The distribution of amino acid in the gastric cancer, flanking of the cancer and the adjacent normal tissue from 22 patients with gastric cancer were determined. It was found that the content of amino acid in gastric cancer was lower than that of the flanking area of the cancer. The amino acid content in the latter was lower than that of adjacent normal tissue. The content of eight kinds of amino acid including three essential and three glycogenetic amino acid in gastric cancer was significantly lower than that of the flanking area, P<0.01. The content of the three glycogenetic amino acid in gastric cancer was also lower than that in the adjacent normal tissue, P<0.01. The content of the three glycogenetic amino acid in the flanking area of the cancer was also lower than that in the adjacent normal tissue, P<0.05. The results suggested that a significant disturbance in the metabolism of amino acid would exist in the gastric cancer tissue.
Key words:  gastric cancer tissue, amino acid