

参考文献 1
NikovicsK, BleinT, PeaucelleA, et al. The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 2006, 18, 2929-2945.
参考文献 2
AidaM, TasakaM. Genetic control of shoot organ boundaries [J]. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2006, 9(1): 72-77.
参考文献 3
Ž dníkovP, SimonR. How boundaries control plant development [J]. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2014, 17: 116-125.
参考文献 4
HassonA, PlessisA, BleinT, et al. Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development [J]. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(1): 54-68.
参考文献 5
BrandA, ShirdingN, ShleizerS, et al. Meristem maintenance and compound-leaf patterning utilize common genetic mechanisms in tomato [J]. Planta, 2007, 226(4): 941-951.
参考文献 6
BergerY, Harpaz-SaadS, BrandA, et al. The NAC-domain transcription factor GOBLET specifies leaflet boundaries in compound tomato leaves [J]. Development, 2009, 136(5): 823-832.
参考文献 7
BleinT, PulidoA, Vialette-GuiraudA, et al. A conserved molecular framework for compound leaf development [J]. Science, 2008, 322(5909): 1835-1839.
参考文献 8
BuschB L, SchmitzG, RossmannS, et al. Shoot branching and leaf dissection in tomato are regulated by homologous gene modules [J]. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(10): 3595-3609.
参考文献 9
BilsboroughG D, RunionsA, BarkoulasM, et al. Model for the regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf margin development [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011, 108(8): 3424-3429.
参考文献 10
Ben-GeraH, ShwartzI, ShaoM R, et al. ENTIRE and GOBLET promote leaflet development in tomato by modulating auxin response [J]. Plant, 2012, 70(6): 903-915.
参考文献 11
PengJ, ChenR. Auxin efflux transporter MtPIN10 regulates compound leaf and flower development in Medicago truncatula [J]. Plant Signal Behav, 2011, 6(10): 1537-1544.
参考文献 12
ZhouC, HanL, HouC Y, et al. Developmental analysis of a Medicago truncatula smooth leaf margin1 mutant reveals context-dependent effects on compound leaf development [J]. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(6): 2106-2124.
参考文献 13
DenglerN G. Comparison of leaf development in normal (+/+), entire (e/e), and lanceolate (La/+) plants of tomato, lycopersicon esculentum ‘ailsa craig’ [J]. Bot Gaz, 1984, 145(1): 66-77.
参考文献 14
AidaM, TasakaM. Genetic control of shoot organ boundaries [J]. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2006, 9(1): 72-77.
参考文献 15
ClaybergC D, ButlerL, KerrE A, et al. Third list of known genes in the tomato [J]. J Hered, 1966, 57(5): 189-196.
参考文献 16
David-SchwartzR, KoenigD, SinhaN R. LYRATE is a key regulator of leaflet initiation and lamina outgrowth in tomato [J]. Plant Cell, 2009,21(10): 3093-3104.
参考文献 17
BleinT, PautotV, LaufsP. Combinations of mutations sufficient to alter Arabidopsis leaf dissection [J]. Plants (Basel), 2013, 2(2): 230-247.
参考文献 18
VladD, KierzkowskiD, RastM I, et al. Leaf shape evolution through duplication, regulatory diversification, and loss of a homeobox gene [J]. Science, 2014, 343(6172): 780-783.
参考文献 19
SicardA, ThammA, MaronaC, et al. Repeated evolutionary changes of leaf morphology caused by mutations to a homeobox gene [J]. Curr Biol, 2014, 24(16): 1880-1886.
参考文献 20
YifharT, PekkerI, PeledD, et al. Failure of the tomato trans-acting short interfering RNA program to regulate AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3 and ARF4 underlies the wiry leaf syndrome [J]. Plant Cell, 2012, 24(9): 3575-3589.
参考文献 21
ZhouC, HanL, FuC X, et al. The trans-acting short interfering RNA3 pathway and no apical meristem antagonistically regulate leaf margin development and lateral organ separation, as revealed by analysis of an argonaute7/lobed leaflet1 mutant in Medicago truncatula [J]. Plant Cell, 2013, 25(12): 4845-4862.
参考文献 22
HellmannH, HobbieL, ChapmanA, et al. Arabidopsis AXR6 encodes CUL1 implicating SCF E3 ligases in auxin regulation of embryogenesis [J].EMBO J, 2003, 22(13): 3314-3325.
参考文献 23
ZhengM D, LiuX Y, LiangS, et al. Chloroplast translation initiation factors regulate leaf variegation and development [J]. Plant Physiol, 2016, 172(2): 1117-1130.
参考文献 24
HobbieL, McGovemM, HurwitzL R, et al. The axr6 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana define a gene involved in auxin response and early development [J]. Development, 2000, 127(1): 23-32.
参考文献 25
HamannT, BenkovaE, BäurleI, et al. The Arabidopsis BODENLOS gene encodes an auxin response protein inhibiting MONOPTEROS-mediated embryo patterning [J]. Genes Dev, 2002, 16(13): 1610-1615.
参考文献 26
DeyholosM K, CordnerG, BeebeD, et al. The SCARFACE gene is required for cotyledon and leaf vein patterning [J]. Development, 2000, 127(15): 3205-3213.
参考文献 27
SieburthL E, MudayG K, KingE J, et al. SCARFACE encodes an ARF-GAP that is required for normal auxin efflux and vein patterning in Arabidopsis [J]. Plant Cell, 2006, 18(6): 1396-1411.
参考文献 28
IwakawaH, UenoY, SemiartiE, et al. The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, required for formation of a symmetric flat leaf lamina, encodes a member of a novel family of proteins characterized by cysteine repeats and a leucine zipper [J]. Plant Cell Physiol, 2002, 43(5): 467-478.
参考文献 29
Chalfun-juniorA, FrankenJ, MesJ J, et al. ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2-LIKE1 gene, a member of the AS2/LOB family, controls proximal-distal patterning in Arabidopsis petals [J]. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2005, 57(4): 559-575.
参考文献 30
TurnerS, SieburthL E. Vascular patterning [J]. Arabidopsis Book, 2003, 2: e0073.
参考文献 31
ScarpellaE, MarcosD, FrimlJ, et al. Control of leaf vascular patterning by polar auxin transport [J]. Genes Dev, 2006, 20(8): 1015-1027. □
目录 contents




    Leaf morphology is commonly used to distinguish different plant species. Leaves initiate from the lateral of shoot apical meristem to develop into flat structure of various sizes and shapes. The structure of leaf seems simple, but the molecular mechanism of regulating leaf morphology and structural development is complicated. The development of leaf blade is regulated by plant hormones, transcription factors, a series of protein factors and environment conditions. In terms of leaf marginal morphology, Aux/IAA auxin response inhibitor family proteins affect leaf initiation and growth and leaf marginal structure by regulating the discrete distribution of maximum auxin concentration; NAM/CUC transcription factors promote the separation and differentiation of serrated leaf margins and leaflet in compound leaves, NAM/CUC and Aux/IAA regulate auxin through different pathways; Arabidopsis thaliana RAX1 gene/Lycopersicum esculentum Potato-leaf gene and Arabidopsis thaliana JAG gene/Lycopersicum esculentum LYR gene promote leaf serration development; RCO regulates the development of leaflet in compound leaves independent of the distribution of auxin; factors in trans-small interfering RNA pathway participate in leaf marginal development in tomato; in addition, in Arabidopsis thaliana, mir164A, CUC2, PIN1, DPA4, SVR9-1 and SVR9L-1 constitute complex regulatory networks that affect the development of leaf serration. In terms of leaf vein development, correct location of PIN1 affects leaf vein development; AS1 and AS2 participate in the polarity differentiation of leaf in far and near axis; moreover, loss of function of AXR6, MP, BDL, CVP factors affects the development of leaf vein; in addition, auxin, PIN1, Aux/IAA, MP and ATHB8 constitute feedback cycle to regulate cotyledon vein formation.

  • 0 引 言



  • 1 叶片边缘形态



  • 1.1 复叶发育调控的关键因子

  • 1.1.1 NAM/CUC转录因子、GOB基因


    生长素和NO APICAL MERISTEMNAM)/CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDONCUC)转录因子的相互作用参与单叶和复叶叶片边缘形态发育的调控。NAM /CUC转录因子调控发育的许多方[3,4]NAM /CUC促进拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)叶片边缘锯齿形[5],促进复叶中小叶的分离和分[6]NAM/CUC表达缺失使叶片形态简单[7,8]miR164抑制一系列CUC基因的表达。

    在番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)中表达miR164不敏感的NAM/CUC结构域转录因子基因GOBLETGOB)基因使小叶边缘异位起始表达,最终形成形式相对野生型简单并且深裂的叶片。GOB表达量降低和GOB表达区域的扩增均会导致小叶的融[7]GOB有差别地和不连续地表达对于小叶的分离是必须的。NAM/CUC基因是保守的叶边缘结构定位和分离的调节基因。

  • 1.1.2 生长素及其相关基因(PIN1SLM1E基因)



    ENTIREE, SlIAA9)基因编码一个Aux/IAA生长素响应抑制家族蛋[7]。番茄e突变体的叶片比野生型叶片简[13]e突变体的叶片原基起始小叶但最终形成的叶片小叶融[10,13]。在e突变体叶原基中PIN1:PIN1-GFP报告基因的表达提高并且生长素响应元件DR5的表达扩展到整个叶片边[10]。这表明E基因通过抑制生长素的响应来限制小叶的生长。



  • 1.1.3 Potato-leafC)基因


    番茄的Potato-leafC)基因是拟南芥边缘调节基因REGULATOR OF AXILLARY MERISTEMS1 RAX1)的同源基因;与野生型番茄相比,c突变体的叶片复杂性降低、叶片边缘光滑。在cgob的双突变背景下叶片不能发育起始,表明CGOB基因在调节叶边缘发育中部分冗[14,15]

  • 1.1.4 LYRATELYR)基因



  • 1.1.5 RCO同源结构域蛋白


    REDUCED COMPLEXITY(RCO)同源结构域蛋白是叶片小叶发育所必须的因[19]。RCO通过抑制小叶之间组织的生长来促进复叶发育,然而RCO不影响生长素响应分[19]。通过比较几种荠属植物的叶片解剖结构发现RCO旁系同源基因的多样化能够解释十字花科植物叶片形态的自然变异。在某些情况下RCO的表达响应温度的变化,因此RCO可能参与不同温度下叶片形态的塑造。

  • 1.1.6 tasiRNA途径


    除过以上讨论的基因和植物激素,反式小干扰RNA(tasiRNA)途径中的因子参与叶边缘形态发育。在番茄的tasiRNA途径中的几个基因发生突变,这几个基因是ARF2, 3 and 4的负调控因子,导致番茄出现“wiry”症状,即叶片狭窄并且复杂性降[20,21]。同样的tasiRNA途径在苜蓿中的作用相对温和,产生小叶叶裂加深但小叶数目未受影响,然而其在拟南芥叶片发育不起作用。因此,某些叶边缘形态调控机制在不同物种之间存在保守性,然而另外一些机制对不同物种叶边缘发育的调控存在本质差异。

  • 1.2 拟南芥叶边缘锯齿发育的调控





    SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION9 SVR9)编码叶绿体翻译起始因子3(IF3[23]SVR9与其同源基因SVR9L1功能冗余。svr9-1svr9-1 svr9l-1突变体均表现出多方面叶片发育表型,由于生长素的内稳态被打破,叶片锯齿程度加深。遗传学分析表明,SVR9/SVR9L1介导的叶边缘发育依赖CUC2的活性。揭示出叶绿体IF3s能够调控叶片发[23]

    图 1

    图 1 拟南芥叶边缘发育调控模式

    Fig.1 Regulation model of leaf margin development in Arabidopsis thaliana

    注:(A) 叶边缘锯齿形成模式图;(B) 几种叶边缘发育调控因子的互相作用

    NOTE: (A) leaf serration formation model; (B) interaction of several impact factors on leaf margin development


  • 2 植物叶脉发育的分子机制

  • 2.1 叶脉的结构



  • 2.2 叶脉发育缺陷突变体

  • 2.2.1 叶脉减少突变体



  • 2.2.2 不连续叶脉突变体



  • 2.2.3 叶脉复杂性降低的突变体


    asymmetric leaf 1as1)和asymmetric leaf 2as2)两种突变体均表现为叶脉均减少并且连续性降低的表[30]AS2编码一个亮氨酸拉链蛋白,参与调控KNOX基因的表达,AS1编码一个MYB转录因子。AS2与AS1共同参与叶片远近轴极性的分[30]

  • 2.2.4 叶脉复杂性增高的突变体



  • 2.3 叶脉发育调控机理



    图 2

    图 2 参与调控生长素流动和基因表达的正向反馈调控模型

    Fig. 2 Model of a positive feedback loop between auxin flow and gene expression


  • 3 展 望



  • 参考文献

    • 1

      Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, et al. The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 2006, 18, 2929-2945.

    • 2

      Aida M, Tasaka M. Genetic control of shoot organ boundaries [J]. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2006, 9(1): 72-77.

    • 3

      Ž dníkov P, Simon R. How boundaries control plant development [J]. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2014, 17: 116-125.

    • 4

      Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, et al. Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development [J]. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(1): 54-68.

    • 5

      Brand A, Shirding N, Shleizer S, et al. Meristem maintenance and compound-leaf patterning utilize common genetic mechanisms in tomato [J]. Planta, 2007, 226(4): 941-951.

    • 6

      Berger Y, Harpaz-Saad S, Brand A, et al. The NAC-domain transcription factor GOBLET specifies leaflet boundaries in compound tomato leaves [J]. Development, 2009, 136(5): 823-832.

    • 7

      Blein T, Pulido A, Vialette-Guiraud A, et al. A conserved molecular framework for compound leaf development [J]. Science, 2008, 322(5909): 1835-1839.

    • 8

      Busch B L, Schmitz G, Rossmann S, et al. Shoot branching and leaf dissection in tomato are regulated by homologous gene modules [J]. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(10): 3595-3609.

    • 9

      Bilsborough G D, Runions A, Barkoulas M, et al. Model for the regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf margin development [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011, 108(8): 3424-3429.

    • 10

      Ben-Gera H, Shwartz I, Shao M R, et al. ENTIRE and GOBLET promote leaflet development in tomato by modulating auxin response [J]. Plant, 2012, 70(6): 903-915.

    • 11

      Peng J, Chen R. Auxin efflux transporter MtPIN10 regulates compound leaf and flower development in Medicago truncatula [J]. Plant Signal Behav, 2011, 6(10): 1537-1544.

    • 12

      Zhou C, Han L, Hou C Y, et al. Developmental analysis of a Medicago truncatula smooth leaf margin1 mutant reveals context-dependent effects on compound leaf development [J]. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(6): 2106-2124.

    • 13

      Dengler N G. Comparison of leaf development in normal (+/+), entire (e/e), and lanceolate (La/+) plants of tomato, lycopersicon esculentum ‘ailsa craig’ [J]. Bot Gaz, 1984, 145(1): 66-77.

    • 14

      Aida M, Tasaka M. Genetic control of shoot organ boundaries [J]. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2006, 9(1): 72-77.

    • 15

      Clayberg C D, Butler L, Kerr E A, et al. Third list of known genes in the tomato [J]. J Hered, 1966, 57(5): 189-196.

    • 16

      David-Schwartz R, Koenig D, Sinha N R. LYRATE is a key regulator of leaflet initiation and lamina outgrowth in tomato [J]. Plant Cell, 2009,21(10): 3093-3104.

    • 17

      Blein T, Pautot V, Laufs P. Combinations of mutations sufficient to alter Arabidopsis leaf dissection [J]. Plants (Basel), 2013, 2(2): 230-247.

    • 18

      Vlad D, Kierzkowski D, Rast M I, et al. Leaf shape evolution through duplication, regulatory diversification, and loss of a homeobox gene [J]. Science, 2014, 343(6172): 780-783.

    • 19

      Sicard A, Thamm A, Marona C, et al. Repeated evolutionary changes of leaf morphology caused by mutations to a homeobox gene [J]. Curr Biol, 2014, 24(16): 1880-1886.

    • 20

      Yifhar T, Pekker I, Peled D, et al. Failure of the tomato trans-acting short interfering RNA program to regulate AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3 and ARF4 underlies the wiry leaf syndrome [J]. Plant Cell, 2012, 24(9): 3575-3589.

    • 21

      Zhou C, Han L, Fu C X, et al. The trans-acting short interfering RNA3 pathway and no apical meristem antagonistically regulate leaf margin development and lateral organ separation, as revealed by analysis of an argonaute7/lobed leaflet1 mutant in Medicago truncatula [J]. Plant Cell, 2013, 25(12): 4845-4862.

    • 22

      Hellmann H, Hobbie L, Chapman A, et al. Arabidopsis AXR6 encodes CUL1 implicating SCF E3 ligases in auxin regulation of embryogenesis [J].EMBO J, 2003, 22(13): 3314-3325.

    • 23

      Zheng M D, Liu X Y, Liang S, et al. Chloroplast translation initiation factors regulate leaf variegation and development [J]. Plant Physiol, 2016, 172(2): 1117-1130.

    • 24

      Hobbie L, McGovem M, Hurwitz L R, et al. The axr6 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana define a gene involved in auxin response and early development [J]. Development, 2000, 127(1): 23-32.

    • 25

      Hamann T, Benkova E, Bäurle I, et al. The Arabidopsis BODENLOS gene encodes an auxin response protein inhibiting MONOPTEROS-mediated embryo patterning [J]. Genes Dev, 2002, 16(13): 1610-1615.

    • 26

      Deyholos M K, Cordner G, Beebe D, et al. The SCARFACE gene is required for cotyledon and leaf vein patterning [J]. Development, 2000, 127(15): 3205-3213.

    • 27

      Sieburth L E, Muday G K, King E J, et al. SCARFACE encodes an ARF-GAP that is required for normal auxin efflux and vein patterning in Arabidopsis [J]. Plant Cell, 2006, 18(6): 1396-1411.

    • 28

      Iwakawa H, Ueno Y, Semiarti E, et al. The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, required for formation of a symmetric flat leaf lamina, encodes a member of a novel family of proteins characterized by cysteine repeats and a leucine zipper [J]. Plant Cell Physiol, 2002, 43(5): 467-478.

    • 29

      Chalfun-junior A, Franken J, Mes J J, et al. ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2-LIKE1 gene, a member of the AS2/LOB family, controls proximal-distal patterning in Arabidopsis petals [J]. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2005, 57(4): 559-575.

    • 30

      Turner S, Sieburth L E. Vascular patterning [J]. Arabidopsis Book, 2003, 2: e0073.

    • 31

      Scarpella E, Marcos D, Friml J, et al. Control of leaf vascular patterning by polar auxin transport [J]. Genes Dev, 2006, 20(8): 1015-1027. □


机 构:西安医学院 药学院,陕西 西安 710021

Affiliation:College of Pharmacy, Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China

邮 箱:670677492@qq.com



机 构:西安医学院 药学院,陕西 西安 710021

Affiliation:College of Pharmacy, Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China


机 构:西安医学院 药学院,陕西 西安 710021

Affiliation:College of Pharmacy, Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China


机 构:西安医学院 药学院,陕西 西安 710021

Affiliation:College of Pharmacy, Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China


机 构:西安医学院 药学院,陕西 西安 710021

Affiliation:College of Pharmacy, Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an 710021, Shaanxi, China


图 1 拟南芥叶边缘发育调控模式

Fig.1 Regulation model of leaf margin development in Arabidopsis thaliana

图 2 参与调控生长素流动和基因表达的正向反馈调控模型

Fig. 2 Model of a positive feedback loop between auxin flow and gene expression

image /

(A) 叶边缘锯齿形成模式图;(B) 几种叶边缘发育调控因子的互相作用

(A) leaf serration formation model; (B) interaction of several impact factors on leaf margin development


  • 参考文献

    • 1

      Nikovics K, Blein T, Peaucelle A, et al. The balance between the MIR164A and CUC2 genes controls leaf margin serration in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 2006, 18, 2929-2945.

    • 2

      Aida M, Tasaka M. Genetic control of shoot organ boundaries [J]. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2006, 9(1): 72-77.

    • 3

      Ž dníkov P, Simon R. How boundaries control plant development [J]. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2014, 17: 116-125.

    • 4

      Hasson A, Plessis A, Blein T, et al. Evolution and diverse roles of the CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON genes in Arabidopsis leaf development [J]. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(1): 54-68.

    • 5

      Brand A, Shirding N, Shleizer S, et al. Meristem maintenance and compound-leaf patterning utilize common genetic mechanisms in tomato [J]. Planta, 2007, 226(4): 941-951.

    • 6

      Berger Y, Harpaz-Saad S, Brand A, et al. The NAC-domain transcription factor GOBLET specifies leaflet boundaries in compound tomato leaves [J]. Development, 2009, 136(5): 823-832.

    • 7

      Blein T, Pulido A, Vialette-Guiraud A, et al. A conserved molecular framework for compound leaf development [J]. Science, 2008, 322(5909): 1835-1839.

    • 8

      Busch B L, Schmitz G, Rossmann S, et al. Shoot branching and leaf dissection in tomato are regulated by homologous gene modules [J]. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(10): 3595-3609.

    • 9

      Bilsborough G D, Runions A, Barkoulas M, et al. Model for the regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf margin development [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011, 108(8): 3424-3429.

    • 10

      Ben-Gera H, Shwartz I, Shao M R, et al. ENTIRE and GOBLET promote leaflet development in tomato by modulating auxin response [J]. Plant, 2012, 70(6): 903-915.

    • 11

      Peng J, Chen R. Auxin efflux transporter MtPIN10 regulates compound leaf and flower development in Medicago truncatula [J]. Plant Signal Behav, 2011, 6(10): 1537-1544.

    • 12

      Zhou C, Han L, Hou C Y, et al. Developmental analysis of a Medicago truncatula smooth leaf margin1 mutant reveals context-dependent effects on compound leaf development [J]. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(6): 2106-2124.

    • 13

      Dengler N G. Comparison of leaf development in normal (+/+), entire (e/e), and lanceolate (La/+) plants of tomato, lycopersicon esculentum ‘ailsa craig’ [J]. Bot Gaz, 1984, 145(1): 66-77.

    • 14

      Aida M, Tasaka M. Genetic control of shoot organ boundaries [J]. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2006, 9(1): 72-77.

    • 15

      Clayberg C D, Butler L, Kerr E A, et al. Third list of known genes in the tomato [J]. J Hered, 1966, 57(5): 189-196.

    • 16

      David-Schwartz R, Koenig D, Sinha N R. LYRATE is a key regulator of leaflet initiation and lamina outgrowth in tomato [J]. Plant Cell, 2009,21(10): 3093-3104.

    • 17

      Blein T, Pautot V, Laufs P. Combinations of mutations sufficient to alter Arabidopsis leaf dissection [J]. Plants (Basel), 2013, 2(2): 230-247.

    • 18

      Vlad D, Kierzkowski D, Rast M I, et al. Leaf shape evolution through duplication, regulatory diversification, and loss of a homeobox gene [J]. Science, 2014, 343(6172): 780-783.

    • 19

      Sicard A, Thamm A, Marona C, et al. Repeated evolutionary changes of leaf morphology caused by mutations to a homeobox gene [J]. Curr Biol, 2014, 24(16): 1880-1886.

    • 20

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