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新乡工程学院 生物工程学院,河南 新乡 453700
盐分是影响植物种子萌发和生长的重要因素。为探究NaCl胁迫对红花种子萌发及生长的影响,采用0、0.2%、0.4%、0.6%、0.8%的NaCl溶液处理不同品种红花种子,在盐胁迫条件下测定供试红花品种种子萌发期的发芽率、发芽势、相对发芽率、相对发芽势、根长、芽长、干重及鲜重等指标,比较分析7个红花品种种子萌发期对盐胁迫的耐受性。结果表明:盐胁迫下7个红花品种的发芽率、发芽势、相对发芽率和相对发芽势整体呈下降趋势,盐浓度小于等于0.4%时,3-10和云南红花种子的4个指标均在89.44%以上,种子生活力较强,新疆红花种子活力明显低于其他6个品种。盐胁迫下新疆红花种子萌发的相对盐害率最高,盐浓度大于等于0.4%时,相对盐害率在50%以上,而3-10、BH-1、H-7、四川红花和云南红花5个品种的相对盐害率在-2.34%~3.91%之间,红花种子受伤害程度较轻。3-10和H-7红花品种在盐浓度为0.4%时的根长和芽长的表现优于其他品种;当盐浓度大于等于0.6%时,与其他品种相比,BH-1在根长和芽长方面表现出较强的耐盐性。盐胁迫下7个红花品种的鲜重整体均呈下降趋势,同一处理下新疆红花的鲜重均低于其他品种,0.2%盐处理下,H-7和四川红花的鲜重为2.83 g和2.90 g,与对照相差不大,并且高于同浓度下其他红花品种的鲜重,0.8%盐处理下,BH-1的鲜重高于同浓度下其他红花品种的鲜重;与鲜重相比,盐胁迫对红花幼苗干重的抑制作用小,甚至对干物质的积累有促进作用。综合比较,7个红花品种种子萌发期间耐盐性表现较强的为河南新乡当地红花3-10、BH-1和应举以及云南红花,最弱的为新疆红花。
关键词:  红花种子  NaCl胁迫  萌发期  发芽率
Effects of NaCl stress on germination characteristics of safflower seeds
ZHAO Qin, CHEN Hongzhi
College of Bioengineering,Xinxiang Institute of Engineering ,Xinxiang 453700,Henan, China
Salt is an important factor affecting seed germination and growth.To investigate the effect of NaCl stress on safflower seed germination and growth, different varieties of safflower seeds were treated with 0, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% NaCl solution. The germination rate, germination potential, relative germination rate, relative germination potential, root length, bud length, dry weight and fresh weight of the tested seeds were measured under salt stress. The tolerance of 7 safflower varieties to salt stress during seed germination was compared and analyzed. The results indicate that the germination rate, germination potential, relative germination rate and relative germination potential of 7 safflower varieties show a downward trend under salt stress. When the salt concentration is less than or equal to 0.4%, the four indicators of 3-10 and Yunnan safflower seeds are all above 89.44%, and the viability of the seeds are strong. The vitality of Xinjiang safflower seed is significantly lower than that of the other six varieties. The relative salt damage rate of safflower seed germination in Xinjiang is the highest under salt stress. When the salt concentration is equal to or greater than 0.4%, the relative salt damage rate is above 50%. While the relative salt damage rates of the 3-10, BH-1, H-7, Sichuan safflower and Yunnan safflower range from -2.34% to 3.91%, and the safflower seeds are less damaged. The root length and bud length of 3-10 and H-7 safflower varieties are superior to other varieties at a salt concentration of 0.4%. When the salt concentration is equal to or greater than 0.6%, BH-1 shows a stronger salt tolerance in root length and bud length compared with other varieties. The fresh weights of seven safflower varieties show an overall decreasing trend under salt stress. And under the same treatment, the fresh weight of Xinjiang safflower is lower than that of other varieties. Under 0.2% salt treatment, the fresh weight of H-7 and Sichuan safflower are 2.83 g and 2.90 g, respectively, with no significant difference from the control, and higher than that of other varieties under the same concentration. The fresh weight of BH-1 under 0.8%salt treatment is higher than that of other varieties under the same concentration. Compared with fresh weight, salt stress has less inhibitory effect on dry weight of safflower seedlings, and even promotes dry matter accumulation. By comprehensive comparison, during the seed germination of the seven safflower varieties, the local safflower 3-10, BH-1, and Yingju safflower from Xinxiang, Henan, as well as Yunnan safflower, have strong salt tolerance, and Xinjiang safflower has the weakest tolerance.
Key words:  safflower seeds  NaCl stress  germination period  germination rate