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1.武夷山国家公园科研监测中心,福建 南平 354300;2.武夷山一地好茶生态茶业研究所,福建 南平 354300
关键词:  武夷岩茶  海拔  根际土壤  土壤性质
Analysis of fungal diversity characteristics in rhizosphere soils of Wuyi rock tea gardens with different elevations
ZHOU Yan1,2
1.Research Monitoring Center, Wuyishan National Park, Nanping 354300, Fujian, China;2.Institute of WuyishanYidi Ecological Tea, Nanping 354300, Fujian, China
Fungal diversity and species composition in the rhizoshpere soils of Wuyi rock tea gradens were detected by high throughput sequencing and their relationships with soil properties were also investigated. The rhizosphere soils were collected in three tea gardens from low to high elevation, including Yidihaocha (YDHC), Chengdunmaoling (CDM) and Chengdunshengzhiao (SZA) in Wuyishan National Park. The results showed that, the fungal community compositions in CDM and YDHC tea gardens with lower elevations were similar, both richness and diversity of them were higher than those of SZA tea garden with higher elevation, and the fungal community composition of SZA was significantly different from that of the lower elevations. The main dominant fungal phyla were Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, while their relative abundances increased and decreased respectively with the increase of elevation. The main dominant fungal genera were Fusarium, norank_o_Tremellales and norank_c_Agaricomycetes, respectively, with 17, 13 and 14 fungal species enriched. pH and available potassium of SZA, CDM and YDHC were significantly different, and pH had significant impact on the fungal composition, and the effects of soil properties on fungal species at low elevation were stronger than at high elevation. The nutritional patterns of fungal communities dominated by saprotroph, pathotroph and symbiotroph, and most of their relative abundance declined with the decrease of elevation. Elevation affects the fungal community in the rhizosphere soils of Wuyi rock tea gardens, which may affect their ecological functions and tea quality formation.
Key words:  Wuyi rock tea  elevation  rhizosphere soil  soil property