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1.贵州省农业科学院 亚热带作物研究所,贵州 兴义562400;2.喀斯特山区作物基因资源与种质创新重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550000;3.贵州省农业科学院,贵州 贵阳 550000
为促进黔西南喀斯特地区石斛资源开发利用,对引种栽培的27种石斛资源开展适应性和生物学特性调查,并采用层次分析法(analytic hierarchy process, AHP)对石斛资源进行综合评价。结果表明:引种栽培的27种石斛资源中有22种石斛在黔西南喀斯特地区适应性较强;27种石斛在物候期、形态特征和生长特性方面具有一定差异,尤其在株型、茎干、花型、花量、唇瓣等方面差异明显;以石斛资源开发利用为原则筛选出18个评价指标,采用AHP法对27种石斛资源进行综合评价,筛选出21种适应性较强、经济价值较高、适宜开发利用的优良石斛资源,为后期黔西南喀斯特地区石斛资源种群繁育和开发利用,以及其他石斛资源评价提供参考。
关键词:  喀斯特地区  石斛  生物学特性  层次分析法
Biological characteristic investigation and resource evaluation of Dendrobium in Karst areas of southwest Guizhou
ZHOU Yufei1,2, ZHANG Xianbo1, LI Tingyang1,2, LUO Kai3
1.Institute of Subtropical Crops, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xingyi562400, Guizhou, China;2.Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Resources and Germplasm Innovation in Karst Mountainous Areas, Guiyang 550000, Guizhou, China;3.Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang 550000, Guizhou, China
In order to promote the exploitation and utilization of Dendrobium resources in the Karst areas of southwest Guizhou, we conducted an investigation on the adaptability and biological characteristics of 27 introduced and cultivated Dendrobium resources. A comprehensive evaluation was carried out using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The results revealed that among the 27 Dendrobium resources, 22 exhibited strong adaptability in the Karst areas of southwest Guizhou. Significant variations were observed in terms of phenology, morphology, and growth characteristics among these resources, particularly regarding plant type, stem type, flower type, flower amount, and flower lips. Based on principles for developing and utilizing Dendrobium resources, 18 evaluation indexes were selected. Employing the AHP method for comprehensive evaluation resulted in identifying 21 Dendrobium resources with strong adaptability and high economic value, and suitable for development and utilization. This study provides valuable references for population breeding as well as utilization strategies pertaining to Dendrobium resources in the Karst areas of southwest Guizhou.
Key words:  Karst area  Dendrobium  biological characteristics  analytic hierarchy process(AHP)