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1.九江学院 药学与生命科学学院,江西 九江 332005;2.九江学院 流域生态过程与信息江西省重点实验室,江西 九江 332005;3.九江市真菌资源保育及应用重点实验室,江西 九江 332005;4.江西生物科技职业学院,江西 南昌 330200
以8省13个样地的野生油茶为研究对象,采用传统分离培养技术与形态学和分子生物学方法相结合,研究不同地区野生油茶根系内生真菌多样性组成和分布。结果显示:从2 600个野生油茶根系组织样品中分离得到1 430株内生真菌,除26株分类地位未明确外,共51属117个分类单元;从分离率和定殖率来看,不同地区野生油茶根系内生真菌定殖率和分离率分别介于3%~74%和3%~89%,均存在明显差异;多样性指数结果表明,连云港和吊罗山两地的野生油茶根系内生真菌多样性较丰富;相似性系数分析显示,婺源与丹江口之间野生油茶根系内生真菌相似性最高(CS=0.60);通过多重对应分析发现不同经纬度和海拔对野生油茶内生真菌菌群组成影响较大。研究结果有助于认识野生油茶内生真菌多样性组成和分布规律,为进一步探索开发利用野生油茶内生真菌资源提供理论依据。
关键词:  油茶  内生真菌  物种多样性  群落结构  生态分布
Composition and distribution of endophytic fungal communities of wild Camellia oleifera roots
OUYANG Jianping1,3, SHI Fanshun1,3, CHEN Shuang1,3, WANG Lingjue4, HE Gang1,2,3, ZHANG Hongfang1,3, SUN Qibiao1,2,3, JI Xiaohong1,2,3, CHEN Ye1,2,3
1.College of Pharmacy and Life Sciences,Jiujiang University,Jiujiang 332005, Jangxi, China;2.Key Laboratory of Watershed Ecological Process and Information of Jiangxi Province, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332005, Jiangxi, China;3.Jiujiang Key Lab of Fungal Resources Conservation and Utilization, Jiujiang 332005, Jiangxi, China;4.Jiangxi Biotech Vocational College,Nanchang 330200, Jiangxi, China
The traditional separation and cultivation methods were used in combination with morphological and molecular biological methods to study the composition and distribution of endophytic fungal diversity in the roots of wild C. oleifera from 13 sample sites in 8 provinces. The results showed that 1 430 strains of endophytic fungi were isolated from 2 600 samples of wild oil tea root tissues, with a total of 51 genera and 117 taxa, except for 26 strains whose taxonomic status was not clear. The colonization and isolation rates of the endophytic fungi in different regions ranged from 3% to 74% and 3% to 89%, respectively, with significant differences. The endophytic fungal diversities of wild C. oleifera roots in Lianyungang and Diaoluo Mountain were abundant. The endophytic fungi of wild C. oleifera roots in Wuyuan and Danjiangkou had the highest similarity (CS=0.60). Through multiple correspondence analysis, it was found that different latitude, longitude and altitude had a great influence on the composition of endophytic fungal flora in wild C. oleifera. The results of this study are helpful to understand the composition and distribution of endophytic fungal diversity in wild C. oleifera, and provide theoretical basis for further exploration and utilization of endophytic fungal resources in wild C. oleifera.
Key words:  Camellia oleifera  endophytic fungi  species diversity  community structure  ecological distribution