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1.厦门医学院 药学系,福建 厦门 361023;2.厦门市海洋药用天然产物资源重点实验室,福建 厦门 361023
β-石竹烯是一种双环倍半萜类化合物。为研究β-石竹烯在体外对脂多糖诱导炎症的作用效果及作用机制,利用β-石竹烯处理被脂多糖诱导的RAW264.7细胞炎症模型,用MTT法检测β-石竹烯对细胞活力的影响,用ELISA试剂盒检测IL-6、TNF-α炎症因子的含量变化,用qRT-PCR技术检测IL-6、TNF-α、IL-1β、MCP-1因子的mRNA含量变化,用Western blot检测NF-κB信号通路和JNK信号通路关键蛋白表达变化。结果显示,β-石竹烯能够降低细胞中IL-6因子的含量和IL-6、TNF-α、IL-1β、MCP-1因子的表达,抑制炎症信号通路NF-κB和JNK。因此,β-石竹烯可以通过抑制NF-κB和JNK信号通路,降低炎症因子的释放起到抗炎的效果。该研究为β-石竹烯活性的开发提供数据支持,并进一步为β-石竹烯应用于抗炎治疗方面提供了理论依据。
关键词:  β-石竹烯  炎症  小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞(RAW264.7)  炎症因子  信号通路
Study on the inhibition of β-caryophyllene in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced inflammatory on macrophage
YANG Bingye1,2, ZHANG Yanlin1,2, XU Yihong1,2, DAI Yuanhua1,2
1.School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Xiamen Medical College, Xiamen 361023, Fujian, China;2.Xiamen Key Laboratory of Marine Medicinal Natural Products Resources, Xiamen 361023, Fujian, China
β-caryophyllene is a dicyclic sesquiterpenoid compound. To study the anti-inflammatory effects and mechanism of β-caryophyllene in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory, β-caryophyllene was used to treat RAW264.7 cell inflammatory model induced by LPS. The effects of β -caryophyllene on cell viability were detected by MTT assay, and the contents of IL-6 and TNF-α inflammatory factors were detected by ELISA kit. The mRNA levels of IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β and MCP-1 were detected by qRT-PCR, and the proteins of NF-κB and JNK signaling pathways were detected by Western blot. The results show that β-caryophyllene can decrease the contents of IL-6 and the mRNA levels of IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β and MCP-1, and decrease the protein contents of P65 and PJNK in RAW264.7 cells. Overall, these results suggest that β-caryophyllene has the anti-inflammatory effects by decreasing the secretion of inflammatory cytokines Il-6, TNF-α, IL-1β and MCP-1 and inhibiting NF-κB and JNK signaling pathways. It provides the the?oretical basis for developing the functional activity of β-caryophyllene, and furtherly provides a reference for the use of β-caryophyllene in the treatment of inflammation-related diseases.
Key words:  β-caryophyllene  inflammation  mouse peritoneal macrophages (RAW264.7)  inflammatory cytokine  signaling pathway