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1.南宁植物园,广西 南宁 530002;2.南宁青秀山风景名胜旅游开发有限责任公司,广西 南宁 530000;3.广西大学林学院,广西 南宁 530004;4.中共广西区委党校,广西 南宁 530000
为掌握南宁市青秀山珍贵树种展示园区域内药用植物资源的本底资料,并为专类园后续药用植物资源保护、开发与利用提供科学依据,通过地毯式调查与植物信息管理系统筛查相结合的方法,查阅搜集药用植物相关信息,对药用植物科属种组成、生长型、光照适应程度、入药部位和功效进行整理分析。结果表明:(1)南宁青秀山珍贵树种展示园共有药用植物349种,隶属于108科264属。含10种以上的科有3个,分别为姜科、豆科和大戟科,占总种数的13.18%;单种科有35科,为堇菜科、虎耳草科和三白草科等,占总种数的10.03%。药用植物以常绿乔木、常绿灌木和多年生草本为主,占总种数的79.66%。喜阳植物占主要优势,占总种数的72.78%。(2)按药用部位统计,根类、茎类和叶类种数较多;按功效统计,具有清热解毒、祛风湿、消肿、治疗跌打损伤、止痛功效的种数占比较高,共占总功效数的35.81%。(3)共有珍稀濒危药用植物24种,隶属于19科20属,其中国家Ⅰ级2种,为银杏和南方红豆杉;Ⅱ级22种,为金丝李、千果榄仁和花榈木等。世界自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature,IUCN)红色名录植物21种,其中受威胁等级(极危、濒危和易危)植物17种。《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora,CITES)名录植物5种。南宁青秀山珍贵树种展示园药用植物资源丰富,具较好的生态效益和一定的科普教育、科学研究、物种保存功能。针对现存的不足之处,提出了建议:(1)及时更换不适于生境的植物种类;(2)融入壮族特色;(3)优化种植空间布局;(4)重点关注珍稀濒危药用植物资源。
关键词:  南宁青秀山珍贵树种展示园  药用植物  资源调查
Study on the characteristics of medicinal plant resources in Nanning Qingxiu Mountain Rare Tree Species Exhibition Garden
OUYANG Zilong1,2, JIA Xianglu1,2, LANG Xiaoan1,2, REN Luming1,2, SHI Jingzhong3, TENG Weichao3, WEI Yanmei4
1.Nanning Botanical Garden, Nanning 530002, Guangxi, China;2.Nanning Qingxiu Mountain Scenic Spots Tourism Development Co., Ltd., Nanning 530000, Guangxi, China;3.College of Forestry, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, China;4.Party School of Guangxi District Committee of the CPC, Nanning 530000, Guangxi, China
To obtain the fundamental information of medicinal plant resources in Nanning Qingxiu Mountain Rare Tree Species Exhibition Garden, and to provide scientific basis for the protection, development and utilization of medicinal plant resources in the special garden, the species composition, growth type, ecological type light adaptation degree, drug site and efficacy of medicinal plants are sorted and analyzed through the combination of carpet investigation and plant information management system screening, and the relevant information of medicinal plants are collected. The results are as follows: (1) There are 349 species of medicinal plants belonging to 108 families and 264 genera in Nanning Qingxiu Mountain Rare Tree Species Exhibition Garden. There are 3 families with more than 10 species, namely Zingiberaceae, Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae, accounting for 13.18% of the total species. There are 35 families in the single species family, i.e., Violaceae, Saxifragaceae and Trichophyliaceae, accounting for 10.03% of the total species. The main medicinal plants are evergreen trees, evergreen shrubs and perennial herbs, accounting for 79.66% of the total species. Heliotropic plants are the dominant species, accounting for 72.78% of the total species. (2) According to the medicinal parts, there are many species of roots, stems and leaves. According to the efficacy, the proportion of species with the efficacy of clearing heat and detoxification, dispelling wind and dampness, reducing swelling, treating traumatic injuries and relieving pain is relatively high, accounting for 35.81% of the total quantity of efficacy. (3) There are 24 rare and endangered medicinal plants, belonging to 19 families and 20 genera, among which there are 2 species of national class Ⅰ, namely, Ginkgo biloba and Taxus wallichiana; There are 22 species in class Ⅱ, including Garcinia paucinervisTerminalia myriocarpaOrmosia henryi and so on. There are 21 species of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List plants, 17 of which are threatened (critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable). There are 5 plants in the list of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Nanning Qingxiu Mountain Rare Tree Species Exhibition Garden is rich in medicinal plants, with good ecological benefits and certain functions of popular science education, scientific research and species preservation. In view of the existing shortcomings, several suggestions are put forward: (1)Timely replacement of unsuitable plant species; (2) Integration of Zhuang-nationality characteristics; (3) Optimization of planting space layout;(4) Focusing on rare and endangered medicinal plant resources.
Key words:  Nanning Qingxiu Mountain Rare Tree Species Exhibition Garden  medicinal plants  resource survey