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基于线粒体Cyt b基因和D-loop区序列的雅鲁藏布江中上游黑斑原鮡遗传多样性分析
1.西藏大学生态环境学院, 西藏 拉萨 850000;2.西藏自治区农牧科学院水产科学研究所, 西藏 拉萨 850032;3.西藏土著鱼类繁育与利用技术工程研究中心, 西藏 拉萨 850032;4.西藏自治区渔业与种质资源利用重点实验室, 西藏 拉萨 850032;5.中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150070
对西藏雅鲁藏布江中上游黑斑原鮡(Glyptosternum maculatum)种群遗传多样性的解析可为黑斑原鮡的保护和人工选育提供理论依据,以雅鲁藏布江中上游黑斑原鮡种群为研究对象,通过对其线粒体细胞色素b(cytochrome b,Cyt b)和控制区(D-loop区)基因序列进行扩增和测序,分析了黑斑原鮡的线粒体序列特征与其种群遗传多样性的关联。结果显示:黑斑原鮡Cyt b基因序列长度为1 138 bp,(A+T)含量(59.5%)高于(C+G)含量(40.5%);检测到突变位点32个,其中单突变位点26个,简约信息位点6个;共检测到21个单倍型,其中单倍型Hap 1个体数最多,占总检测个体数的69.44%;种群单倍型多样性(Hd)为(0.509±0.050),核苷酸多样性(Pi)为(0.000 71±0.000 11),Tajima’s D中性检验值为-2.532 91,中性检验结果显示(P<0.001)极显著负值。结果还显示:D-loop区基因序列长度为893 bp,(A+T)含量(64.31%)高于(C+G)含量(35.69%);共检测到突变位点35个,包括单突变位点21个,简约信息位点14个;检测到23个单倍型,Hd为(0.701±0.028),Pi为(0.001 67±0.000 28),单倍型Hap 1和Hap 3的个体数较多,分别占45.14%和30.56%;D-loop基因Tajima’s D中性检验值为-2.366 38,中性检验结果显示(P<0.01)极显著负值,表明该群体经历过种群扩张。黑斑原鮡种群的Cyt b和D-loop区基因适合进行黑斑原鮡的种内遗传分析,且D-loop区基因更具有进化优势,其种群的遗传多样性较低,对黑斑原鮡遗传育种与保护具有一定的参考价值。
关键词:  雅鲁藏布江  黑斑原鮡  遗传多样性  细胞色素b基因  D-loop区
Genetic diversity analysis of Glyptosternum maculatum in the middle and upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River based on mitochondrial Cyt b gene and D-loop region sequence
SUN Chao1, ZHOU Jianshe2,3,4, WANG Wanliang2,3,4, WANG Zhuangzhuang2,3,4, HE Haoming2,3,4, HU Guo5, Pu Bu1
1.College of Ecology and Environment, Xizang University, Lhasa 850000, Xizang, China;2.Xizang Autonomous Region Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Lhasa 850032, Xizang, China;3.Tibetan Indigenous Fish Breeding and Utilization Technology Engineering Research Center, Lhasa 850032, Xizang, China;4.Key Laboratory of Fishery and Germplasm Resources Utilization of Xizang Autonomous, Lhasa 850032, Xizang, China;5.Heilongjiang Institute of Fishery Research,China Academy of Fishery Science, Harbin 150070, Heilongjiang, China
The analysis of the genetic diversity of Glyptosternum maculatum in the middle and upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River in Xizang can provide theoretical basis for its conservation and artificial breeding, the cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene and D-loop region sequences were amplified and sequenced to analyze the correlation between its mitochondrial sequence characteristics and the genetic diversity of the population. The findings revealed that: the Cyt b gene sequence length was 1 138 bp, with a higher A+T content (59.5%) compared to C+G (40.5%); 32 mutation sites were identified, including 26 single mutation sites and 6 simplified information sites; a total of 21 haplotypes were identified, with Hap 1 having the highest number of individuals (69.44%); population haplotype diversity (Hd) was measured to be 0.509±0.050, nucleotide diversity (Pi) was 0.000 71±0.000 11, and Tajima's D neutral test value was -2.532 91 (P<0.001).The findings also revealed that: the D-loop sequence was 893 bp long, with a higher A+T content (64.31%) than C+G (35.69%); 35 mutation sites were detected, including 21 single mutation sites and 14 simplified information sites; 23 haplotypes were identified, Hd was 0.701±0.028, Pi was 0.001 67±0.000 28, haplotypes Hap 1 and Hap 3 were more prevalent (45.14% and 30.56% respectively); Tajima's D neutral test value for the D-loop gene was -2.366 38, indicating extremely significant negative values (P<0.01) and suggesting population expansion in this population.The Cyt b gene and D-loop region sequence of the population are suitable for intraspecific genetic analysis, and the D-loop region has more evolutionary advantages. The genetic diversity of the population is relatively low, which has certain reference value for the genetic breeding and protection of G. maculatum.
Key words:  Yarlung Zangbo River  Glyptosternum maculatum  genetic diversity  cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene  D-loop region