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贵州警察学院, 贵州 贵阳 550005
关键词:  贵州  有毒维管植物  资源调查  开发利用
Preliminary investigation on poisonous vascular plant resources in Guizhou Province
TU Guozhang, ZHANG Xianqiang, CHENG Guiping
Guizhou Police College, Guiyang 550005,Guizhou,China
Due to the unique mountainous environment and complex climatic conditions, Guizhou has abundant poisonous plant resources.At the same time, Guizhou is a gathering place for ethnic minorities, and the use of toxic plants has strong ethnic characteristics.In order to strengthen the identification of poisonous plants, effectively avoid the risk of toxicity,and better develop and utilize toxic plant resources, this study analyzed the resource distribution, life form composition, toxicity characteristics and utilization value of the species according to literature collection and field investigation of poisonous vascular plants in Guizhou. There are 523 species of poisonous vascular plants in Guizhou, belonging to 336 genera in 113 families, among which the dominant families are Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Apocynaceae, Euphorbiaceae,Ericaceae and Araceae, the dominant genera are RhododendronEuphorbiaSolanum, and Arisaema. Herbs are the most common type of life form, accounting for 48.56%,followed by shrubs. Poisonous species are more abundant in southern and southwestern Guizhou. The poisonous parts are mainly toxic by the whole plant, accounting for 42.48%.The poisonous components are mainly glycosides, accounting for 43.40%.The clinical manifestations of acute poisoning of the digestive system are the most common, accounting for 65.97%. Medicinal plants are mainly whole plants, accounting for 41.49%, and the main medicinal functions are used in orthopedics, accounting for 42.26%. Their utilization value includes 45 edible, 138 ornamental, 201 economic, and 478 medicinal. The investigation of the poisonous vascular plant resources in Guizhou has an important reference value for the identification and popularization, poisoning prevention and control and detection, investigation of poisoning cases, poison traceability, in-depth research and rational utilization and development of the poisonous plants.
Key words:  Guizhou  poisonous vascular plant  resource survey  development and utilization