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1.三峡大学 三峡区域植物遗传与种质创新重点实验室/生物技术研究中心, 湖北 宜昌 443000;2.宜昌市农业科学研究院 微生物研究所, 湖北 宜昌 443000
香菇(Lentinula edodes)是重要的食药用木腐菌,在目前林业资源日渐匮乏的背景下,探寻合适的代料以支持香菇产业的持续发展显得尤为重要。以不同比例的高粱秸秆替代部分木屑对香菇栽培进行设施化试验,并通过测定香菇菌棒的总糖、木质素、纤维素、钙离子、磷离子、pH以及香菇的蛋白质、总糖和产量等指标,来选择最优的配比以达到产量和品质的平衡。结果表明,高粱秸秆替代部分木屑后均能正常出菇且显著提高了产量,其中当菌棒中15%比例的木屑被高粱秸秆替代时,产量提高最为显著,每个菌棒的平均产量达到正常菌棒的约1.65倍,并且该比例下的香菇品质也得到了一定程度的提升。此结果表明高粱秸秆在香菇代料栽培的设施化产业中具有很好的经济和利用价值。
关键词:  高粱秸秆  代料  香菇  设施
The effect of facility based substitute cultivation of sorghum straw on the yield and quality of Lentinula edodes
LUO Xiaotian1, LI Sen1, QIN Xiner1, LI Kebin2, SHEN Xiangling1, LIU Shiling2
1.Key Laboratory of Three Gorges Regional Plant Genetics & Germplasm Enhancement/Biotechnology Research Center,China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443000, Hubei, China;2.Microbiology Research Institute, Yichang Academy of Agricultural Science, Yichang 443000, Hubei, China
Lentinula edodes is an important edible and medicinal wood-decaying fungus. In the context of the increasing scarcity of forestry resources, it is very important to explore suitable alternatives to support the sustainable development of shiitake mushroom industry. This study conducted a facility based experiment to cultivate shiitake mushroom with different proportions of sorghum straw replacing part of sawdust, and selected the optimal ratio to achieve the balance of yield and quality by measuring the total sugar, lignin, cellulose, calcium ion, phosphorus ion and pH of the shiitake mushroom stick and protein, total sugar and yield of the shiitake mushroom fruit body. The results showed that sorghum straw replacing part of sawdust could produce normal mushrooms and significantly increase the yield. When 15% sawdust in the sticks was replaced by sorghum straw, the yield increase was the most significant, with the average yield of each stick reaching about 1.65 times of that of a normal stick, and the quality of shiitake mushroom at this ratio was also improved to a certain extent. These results indicate that sorghum straw has good economic and utilization value in the facility based industry of shiitake mushroom alternative cultivation.
Key words:  sorghum straw  substitute  Lentinula edodes  facility