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夏璿评, 赵华斌
关键词:  流浪猫,家域范围,警戒行为,种群调查
A preliminary study on behavioral ecology of free-ranging cats on Wuhan University campus
With the rising popularity of pet cats, free-ranging cats have become increasingly visible, posing a growing concern with significant social and ecological impacts. From September 2021 to December 2022, a comprehensive survey of the free-ranging cat population on the Wuhan University campus was carried out using the line transect method, estimating cat numbers through the capture-mark-recapture approach. Twenty free-ranging cats were tracked with positioning collars to determine their home ranges, and alert levels were categorized based on observed alert behaviors. The findings revealed a density of approximately 1 cat per hectare (ha) on the Wuhan University campus, coupled with a low rate of neutering. The home range of free-ranging cats on campus is 4.99±0.84 ha, with a noteworthy 85% of their time spent within a 100-meter radius of feeding locations. A negative correlation emerged between home range and feeding location density, indicating that an increased density of feeding points led to a reduction in the home range. Examining gender differences, male cats exhibited a larger activity range than females, with neutering showing no discernible effect on activity range. In terms of alert behavior, campus free-ranging cats demonstrated lower vigilance compared to their traditional counterparts. As the density of feeding locations rose, alert behaviors among free-ranging cats decreased.. This study highlighted that campus free-ranging cats are more abundant, exhibit a low neutering rate, have smaller home ranges, and predominantly inhabit areas proximate to feeding locations. The density of feeding locations significantly influences the daily behavior of free-ranging cats, with an increase in feeding points correlating with a reduction in home range and alert behavior. Recommendations for control measures include: 1) regulating the number of free-ranging cats on campus through measures such as controlling abandonment, implementing Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs, and promoting the adoption of free-ranging cats on campus; 2) establishing centralized feeding locations and increasing feeding point density in specific areas to mitigate alertness and home range of free-ranging cats. This study offers new empirical data and theoretical insights for the management of campus free-ranging cats.
Key words:  free-ranging cats  home range  alert behavior  population survey