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基于DNA 条形码技术鉴定库尔勒机场的蝙蝠物种
陈曦, 时磊
随着航空业的发展,野生动物与航空器之间的冲突愈演愈烈,研究机场周边飞行动物对机场动物撞击防范工作具有重要意义。蝙蝠作为世界上唯一的飞行类哺乳动物,也是严重影响夜间飞机飞行安全的隐患之一,但由于蝙蝠体型较小,发生撞击时往往无法发现相对完整的尸体,多为血液和毛发等,物种鉴定比较困难。本文基于16S rDNA条形码技术(DNA barcoding),通过16S rDNA遗传距离分析,发现棕蝠属与库尔勒样本群体间遗传距离为0.031 ~ 0.092,属内与库尔勒样本种间差异最大的是南美棕蝠(E. diminutus),遗传距离为0.092;差异最小的是大棕蝠(E. serotinus),遗传距离为0.031。结合形态学分析并通过解剖证实该个体的性腺尚未发育,确定了库尔勒机场挂网蝙蝠物种为大棕蝠(Eptesicus serotinus)。本研究为机场不易辨认或者保存不完整样本的物种鉴定提供方法依据,为科学开展机场鸟击防控提供重要基础资料。
关键词:  DNA条形码  蝙蝠撞击  系统发育树
Identification of bat species in Korla Airport based on DNA barcoding
With the development of the aviation industry, conflicts between wildlife and planes have become increasingly frequent. Studies on the diversity of bird communities around airports play an important role in bird strike prevention work. As the only flying mammal in the world, bats is one of the seriously affect safety of flying at night , but due to their small size, relatively complete bodies of bats are often not found when strike happened, and most of them are blood and hair, which makes it difficult to identify them. In this paper, based on 16SrDNA barcods (DNA barcoding), Through 16S rDNA genetic distance analysis, it was found that the genetic distance between the Eptesicus serotinus and the Korla sample population was 0.031~0.092. The Eptesicus diminutus had the greatest difference between the genus and the Korla sample population, with a genetic distance is 0.092; The smallest difference is in the Eptesicus serotinus, with a genetic distance is 0.031. combined with morphological analysis, combined with morphological analysis and confirmed through dissection that the individual's gonads have not yet developed, it was determined that the net hanging species at Korla Airport is Eptesicus serotinus. This study provides a methodological basis for the identification of species that are not easily identifiable or whose samples are incomplete at airports, and provides important basic data for the scientific prevention and control of bird strikes at airports.
Key words:  DNA barcoding  bat strike  phylogenetic tree