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殷豪1, 罗子恩1, 金泽峰1, 罗 强1, 谈荣想1, 罗文1, 曾文涛1, 杨庆满2
为了探讨稻-鳅-蛙共作农田优势真菌对土壤碱解氮、有效磷、土壤酶活性及镉污染土壤修复的影响,本研究对稻-鳅-蛙共作农田土壤优势真菌进行分离、纯化和鉴定,然后将纯化、扩繁后的真菌稀释成1×103、1×105、1×107个·mL-1孢子3种浓度的菌液,最后将3种浓度的菌液和空白菌液分别添加至0 mg·kg-1 、5 mg·kg-1、10 mg·kg-1和20 mg·kg-1镉污染的土壤中,每10天取土壤样本检测土壤有效磷、碱解氮、转化酶、过氧化氢酶、脲酶有效态镉含量。研究发现,稻-鳅-蛙农田土壤中优势真菌为Penicillium sp.,随着其添加菌液浓度的增加,土壤中碱解氮和有效磷的含量显著增加(P < 0.05),土壤转化酶和脲酶活性均显著性提高(P < 0.05),同时,在不同镉污染土壤中均表现出高浓度菌液添加组(1×107个·mL-1)中有效镉含量显著性低于低浓度菌液添加组(1×103个·mL-1)和空白对照组(P < 0.05)。由此可知,土壤中菌液浓度的增加可以促进土壤肥力的提高和重金属镉污染土壤的修复,表明稻-鳅-蛙共作可通过改变土壤优势真菌的组成,提高土壤肥力并修复土壤重金属镉污染,研究结果为稻-鳅-蛙共作模式在土壤改良和修复中的应用提供理论依据,也为该菌的科学利用提供基础。
关键词:  稻-渔共作  土壤真菌  土壤肥力  镉污染修复
Isolation of the dominant fungi culture LW-1 from rice-fish co-culture field and its effects on soil remediation
To investigate the effects of dominant fungi on soil remediation, the dominant fungi was separated, purified, and identified from a rice-loach-frog co-culture field. Then, the fugus were diluted into different concentrations (1×103, 1×105 and 1×107 spores·mL-1) and added into cadmium-polluted soil (0, 20, 40, and 60 mg·kg-1) under control conditions. Soil available N, available P, invertase, catalase, urease and effective cadmium were measured every 10 days. The results showed that the dominant fungus LW-1 was Penicillium sp. LW-1 significantly increased the contents of available N and available P (P < 0.05), the activities of invertase and urease (P < 0.05), while it significantly decreased the content of available Cd (P < 0.05) in the soil. The results indicated that the increasing LW-1 in soil could improve soil fertility and facilitated the remediation of Cd contaminated soil. It was also suggested that rice-loach-frog co-culture could improve fertility and remediation of heavy metal-polluted soil by changing the composition of soil microorganism, especially the dominant fungi. The results provided a theoretical basis for the application of rice-loach-frog co-culture mode in soil amelioration and remediation, and also provided a new basis for the development and utilization of this fungus.
Key words:  Rice-fish co-culture, Soil fungi  Soil fertility, Cadmium pollution remediation