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韩玉1, 王硕硕1, 彭梦超1, 陈慧玲1, 郑承剑2, 吴岩斌1, 吴锦忠1
采用生药学鉴定方法观察峨眉金线兰的原植物形态、组织构造及粉末显微特征;采用HPLC-ELSD法测定峨眉金线兰中主要内酯苷的含量。峨眉金线兰叶片为卵形,具有金红色网纹,花不倒置,唇瓣白色,前部裂片长圆状倒披针形,中部两侧各具1枚宽大长圆形的片,片的边缘具疏锯齿。显微结构中,根茎横切面中皮层宽广,根木质部维管束2~5 个成束,茎木质部维管束 1~8个成束;叶横截面叶肉细胞中有大量红色物质,上表皮呈乳突状突起,下表皮气孔较多,气孔以不定式为主;粉末中可见草酸钙针晶和导管。3批峨眉金线兰中金线莲苷和goodyeroside A的含量分别为32.66-35.21 mg/g和134.41-137.72 mg/g,分别在100-500 μg/mL 和200-1000μg/ mL质量浓度范围内呈良好的线性关系,平均加样回收率分别为100.51%(RSD=1.56%)和97.50%(RSD=1.54%)。以上特征可为峨眉金线兰的生药鉴别提供参考依据。
关键词:  峨眉金线兰  生药鉴别  HPLC-ELSD  含量测定
Pharmacognostic Identification of Anoectochilus emeiensis
HAN Yu1, WANG Shuoshuo1, PENG Mengchao1, CHEN Huiling1, ZHENG Chengjian2, WU Yanbin1, WU Jinzhong1
1.College of pharmacy,Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Fujian,Fuzhou;2.Department of Chinese Medicine Authentication,School of Pharmacy,Naval Medical University
The primary plant morphology, tissue structure and powder microscopic characteristics of Anoectochilus emeiensis were observed by pharmacognosy identification method. HPLC-ELSD method was used to determine the contents of main lactone glycosides in Anoectochilus emeiensis. The leaves are ovate, with a golden-red network, flowers are not inverted, Lips white, anterior lobes oblong-oblanceolate, middle with 1 broad oblong-oblong lobes on each side, edges sparsely serrate. In the microstructure, the cortex in the transverse section of the rhizome is broad, and the vascular bundle in the root xylem is broad 2-5 bundles were formed, and 1 - 8 bundles were formed in xylem. There are a lot of red substances in the mesophyll cells of cross section of leaves ,the upper epidermis has a mastoid protrusion, and the lower epidermis has many stomata, mainly composed of infinitive stomata. Calcium oxalate needle crystal and catheter can be seen in the powder. The contents of kinsenoside and goodyeroside A in 3 batches of Anoectochilus emeiensis were 32.66-35.21 mg/g and 134.41-137.72 mg/g, respectively, and showed a good linear relation between 100-500μg/mL and 200-1000μg/mL, respectively. The average recovery rate of kinsenoside and goodyeroside A were 100.51% (RSD=1.56%) and 97.50% (RSD=1.54%),respectively.These characteristics can provide reference for the identification of Anoectochilus emeiensis.
Key words:  Anoectochilus emeiensis  pharmacognostic identification  HPLC-ELSD  content determination