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目的 探究贵州省野生火棘果的营养性成分差异,明确影响营养性指标成分积累的气候因子,筛选出适宜生长区域。方法 采用硫酸-苯酚法、全自动凯氏定氮仪、索氏提取法和福林-酚比色法对火棘粗多糖、总蛋白、总脂肪和总多酚含量进行测定,并进行差异性分析、主成分分析和聚类分析;同时结合气候因子,进行灰色关联度的相关分析。结果 不同产地之间4种营养性成分含量存在明显差异,可将10个不同产地火棘分成3大类;灰色关联度分析表明,相对湿度是影响贵州野生火棘营养性成分含量的主要影响因子;结论 降低相对湿度利于火棘中营养性成分的积累。
关键词:  野生火棘  营养性成分  气候因子
基金项目:遵义市科技项目(遵义科合社字(2018)38号);遵义市科技项目(遵义科合社字(2019)204号);贵州省教育厅项目(黔财教(2020)125号);遵义市创新人才团队培养项目(遵市科人才[2021]S7号)第一作者:邱佳,女,硕士,副教授,主要研究方向为中药品种、质量及资源研究。E-mail:709969399@qq.com*通信作者:吴发明,男,博士,教授,主要研究方向为中药品种、质量及资源研究。E-mail: wufaming@zmu.edu.cn ,刘付松2,梁光平1,朱亮1,冉海霞1,刘英波1,吴发明2,3*
Comparison and correlation analysis of nutritional components of wild Pyracantha fortuneana (Maxim.) Li in Guizhou Province
QIU Jia1,2,3,2, LIU Fusong4, LIANG Guangping5, ZHU Liang5, RAN Haixia5, LIU Yingbo5, WU Faming4
1.Department of Pharmacy,Zunyi Medical and Pharmaceutical ColleUniversity;2.China;3.Guizhou Medical and Health Industry Research Institute;4.School of Pharmacy,Zunyi Medical University;5.Department of Pharmacy,Zunyi Medical and Pharmaceutical College
Objective To explore the differences of nutrient components in wild Pyracantha fortuneana in Guizhou province, identify the climate factors affecting the accumulation of nutraceutical ingredient, and screen out suitable growth areas. Methods The contents of polysaccharide, total protein, total fat and total polyphenol were determined by Soxhlet extraction, folin-phenol colorimetric method, and the difference, principal components analysis and cluster analysis were performed. The grey correlation degree were performed combined with climate factors. Results There were significant differences in the contents of four nutraceutical ingredient among different producing areas. Pyracantha pyracantha from 10 different producing areas could be divided into three categories. Grey correlation analysis showed that relative humidity was the main factor affecting the nutraceutical ingredient of wild Pyrrhus in Guizhou. Conclusion Reducing the relative humidity facilitates the accumulation of nutrients in Pyracantha fortuneana (Maxim.) Li.
Key words:  Pyracantha fortuneana  nutraceutical ingredient  meteorological factor