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四川省农业特色植物研究院, 四川 内江 641200
滇黄精(Polygonatum kingianum)、黄精(Polygonatum sibiricum)和多花黄精(Polygonatum cyrtonema) 3种百合科(Liliaceae)植物为药材黄精的基原植物,药用部位为干燥根茎,繁殖方式主要有根茎繁殖、种子繁殖。但长期的根茎繁殖容易引起黄精品质退化、抗性降低、病虫害日益严重等问题。因此,黄精的种子繁殖势在必行。本文从黄精基原植物种子生殖特性、采收与贮藏、形态结构、化学成分、萌发特性、休眠特性、萌发及出苗影响因子和播种等方面进行综合论述,对黄精种子育苗有一定的的指导意义,为黄精种质资源保护和可持续利用提供参考。
关键词:  黄精  种子  繁育  休眠  萌发
基金项目:四川省省级公益性科研单位基本科研业务费专项资金项目(23JDKY04); 四川省省级公益性科研单位基本科研业务费专项资金项目(21JDKY08)
Research progress in seed propagation of original plant of Polygonati Rhizoma
HUANG Wenjuan, YANG Majin, YE Changhua, LI Zhen, WANG Hui
Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Characteristic Plants, Neijiang 641200, Sichuan, China
The plants Polygonatum kingianumPolygonatum sibiricum, and Polygonatum cyrtonema in the Liliaceae family are the original sources of Polygonati Rhizoma (PR), and their dried rhizomes are utilized for medicinal purposes. The primary reproductive methods employed by these three medicinal plants from the genus Polygonatum include rhizome reproduction and seed propagation. However, the long-term rhizome reproduction leads to quality degradation, resistance reduction, and increasingly serious diseases and pests. Therefore, seed propagation of PR is imperative. The present study comprehensively discusses the reproductive characteristics, harvesting and storage methods, morphological structure, chemical composition, germination characteristics, dormancy traits, factors influencing germination and emergence as well as sowing techniques of Polygonatum seeds. It holds significant implications for the cultivation of Polygonatum seeds and provides valuable references for the conservation of germplasm resources and sustainable utilization of Polygonatum.
Key words:  Polygonati Rhizoma  seed  propagation  dormancy  germination