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1.江苏师范大学 生命科学学院 江苏省药食植物资源国家重点实验室(培育),江苏 徐州 221116;2.山西杏花村汾酒厂股份有限公司,山西 汾阳 032205
为解析汾酒厂区酵母菌资源的多样性,采用分离培养方法,从汾酒酿造车间和车间外环境中的微生物中分离纯化到300株酵母菌,经26S rDNA序列比对分析,检测到酵母菌包括6科15属21种。系统发育树结果表明,汾酒酿造车间和车间外环境中的酵母菌包括担子菌门(Basidiomycota)和子囊菌门(Ascomycota)两个分支。尽管汾酒酿造车间和车间外环境中各有特异的酵母菌,但是两者都存在与白酒酿造相关的酵母菌如酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)、毕赤酵母(Pichia kudriavzevii)和扣囊复膜酵母(Saccharomycopsis fibuligera)等。汾酒环境中含有丰富的酵母菌资源,可能是大曲和酒醅发酵过程中酵母菌的主要来源。这些都为进一步研究指明了方向。
关键词:  汾酒  可培养方法  酵母菌多样性  系统发育树
Study of yeast diversity in Fenjiu brewing workshop and outside environment
ZHEN Pan1,2, YIN Zheng2, GAO Xiaojuan2, JIANG Jihong1
1.The key Laboratory of Biotechnology for Medicinal and Edible Plant Resources of Jiangsu Province, School of Life Sciences, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, Jiangsu, China;2.Shanxi Xinghuacun Fenjiu Distillery Co.,Ltd., Fenyang 032205, Shanxi, China
To investigate the yeast diversity in the Fenjiu distillery, 300 yeasts were isolated and purified from both inside and outside of Fenjiu workshop using the culture-dependent method. The analysis of 26S rDNA sequence alignment revealed a total of 6 families, 15 genera, and 21 species of yeasts. The results of the phylogenetic tree showed that the yeasts in the Fenjiu brewing workshop and the environment outside the workshop included two branches of the phylum Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes. Although there are specific yeasts in the Fenjiu brewing workshop and outside environment, there are yeasts related to Baijiu in both of them, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiaePichia kudriavzevii and Saccharomycopsis fibuligera. The Fenjiu distillery has an abundance of yeast resources, which may serve as an important source of yeast for the Daqu manufacture and fermentation process. There all point the way for further study.
Key words:  Fenjiu  culture-dependent method  yeast diversity  phylogenetic tree