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关键词:  产前超声  胎儿异常  全外显子测序技术  产前诊断
Trio-WES sequencing studies revealed genetic characteristics of prenatal ultrasound abnormalities in fetuses
penglingling1, zhanghaoqing2, liyangyan3, tanjufang2, huangdongqun2, licaiyun2, leidongzhu2
1.The Chenzhou Affiliated Hospital,Deparmant of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Hengyang Medical School,University of South China,Hengyang;2.The Affiliated Chenzhou Hospital, Hengyang Medical School, University of South China;3.The Chenzhou Affiliated Hospital,Deparmant of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Hengyang Medical School,University of South China
To explore the application value of Trio-WES in the diagnosis of fetuses with prenatal ultrasound abnormalities, fetal samples due to prenatal ultrasound abnormalities from June 2020 to December 2021 were collected for chromosome karyotype analysis and chromosome copy number variation sequencing (CNV-seq) in this study, and 74 negative samples were obtained for Trio-WES genetic testing. The results showed that according to the systems involved in fetal ultrasound abnormalities, a total of 10 groups could be divided, and multi-system abnormalities were present in each group. Trio-WES genetic testing detected 7 positive gene mutations, with an overall positive rate of 9.46% (7/74), involving a total of 8 pathogenic/suspected pathogenic mutations related to fetal phenotypes. The highest positive diagnosis rate was 28.57%(2/7) in facial abnormalities, while no positive diagnosis was found in clinical phenotypes such as central nervous system abnormalities, ascites and intrauterine growth restriction. Sixty-eight cases were successfully followed up, 49 cases were live births and 19 cases were induced labor. Among the live birth cases, one patient with positive results of WES was diagnosed and treated in time. Among the cases of induced labor, 6 cases were induced due to abnormal WES results. Therefore, the application of WES in prenatal ultrasound abnormal fetuses with negative karyotype analysis and CNV-seq can improve the rate of prenatal genetic diagnosis, and guide pregnancy decision-making and clinical management in prenatal diagnosis.
Key words:  Prenatal ultrasound  Fetal abnormality  Whole exome sequencing  Prenatal diagnosis