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甘肃农业大学 林学院,甘肃 兰州 730070
关键词:  维管植物  植物区系  分布区类型  屈吴山省级自然保护区
Floristic characteristics of vascular plants in Quwu Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve
YANG Yanyan, ZHOU Xiaolei, LIU Xiaojuan, ZHOU Yuxia, SU Jingyi
College of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
This paper reports an analysis of the species composition and distribution types of vascular plants in Quwu Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve, based on field investigation, plant specimen collection and literature research. The results showed that there are 157 species of vascular plants present in the study area, which belong to 108 genera and 50 families, among which 1 species 1 genus and 1 family are pteridophytes, 13 species, 8 genera and 4 families are gymnosperms, and 143 species, 99 genera and 45 families are angiosperms. The pteridophytes and gymnosperms are relatively poor. The composition of plant families in the conservation area is dominated by monospecies families and oligospecies families. There are 23 families and 76 genera of monospecies families accounting for 46.00% of the total number of vascular plant families in the area. There are 22 families and 31 genera of oligospecies families accounting for 44.00% of the total number of vascular plant families in this area. Rosaceae, Gramineae, Compositae, Leguminosae, Celastraceae, Ulmaceae and Pinaceae are dominant families. At the family level, it is divided into 9 distribution types and 2 sub-types. The distribution families are dominanted by the cosmopolitan type family and the North Temperate family. The temperate families (42.00%) are higher than the tropical families (24.00%).At the genus level, it is divided into 12 distribution types and 6 sub-types. The temperate genera (75.93%) are obviously higher than the tropical genera (9.26%), and the temperate geographical distribution type is dominant ,especially those of North Temperate distribution. This study provide a reliable basis for biodiversity conservation and related plant research.
Key words:  vascular plant  flora  distribution type  Quwu Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve