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1.海南省海洋与渔业科学院,海南 海口 571126;2.上海自然博物馆,上海 200040;3.海南热带海洋学院 生态环境学院,海南 三亚 572000
香港斗鱼(Macropodus hongkongensis)是一种斗鱼科(Belontiidae)斗鱼属(Macropodus)的淡水鱼,记录于香港、广东等地,分布稀少。本研究通过线粒体COI、Cytb16S rRNA基因对海南万泉河水系发现的疑似香港斗鱼进行分子鉴定和亲缘关系分析。基于3种基因的比对鉴定显示,该斗鱼和香港斗鱼广东鹤山种群的亲缘关系最近,海南万泉河水系发现的斗鱼为香港斗鱼海南种群。本文中几种斗鱼的种间遗传距离在0.136~0.238,大于香港斗鱼海南种群种内遗传距离(0.000~0.006(COI))的10倍,与10倍理论一致,满足物种的有效鉴定。香港斗鱼不同地理种群之间遗传差异明显,海南种群和广东鹤山种群之间的种内遗传距离为0.036。NJ进化树也显示,香港斗鱼海南种群和香港斗鱼广东种群聚为一支,接着与红鳍斗鱼(M.erythropteru)聚为一支,再与叉尾斗鱼(M.opercularis)聚为一支,最后与圆尾斗鱼(M.chinensis)聚为一支。本文为海南岛香港斗鱼种群的首次研究报道,有关结果将为我国香港斗鱼的演化和保护研究提供重要参考。
关键词:  香港斗鱼  海南种群  分子鉴定:亲缘关系
Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of the Hainan population of Macropodus hongkongensis
ZHANG Qingfeng1, SHEN Zhixin1, LI Fan2, LI Fangyuan1, LIU Mingzhong3, CAI Xingwei1, LI Gaojun1
1.Academic of Ocean And Fisheries of Hainan Province,Haikou 571126, Hainan, China;2.Shanghai Natural History Museum,Shanghai 200040, China;3.Hainan Tropical Ocean Univetsity, College of Ecology and Environment, Sanya 572000, Hainan, China
Macropodus hongkongensis is a freshwater fish which belongs to the genus Macropodus,family Belontiida. This species sparsely distributed in Hong Kong and Guangdong province . COICytb and 16S rRNA genes were employed to identify and analyse the phylogenetic relationship of the individuals found in Wanquan River, Hainan. Sequence alignment of the three genes indicated that the species were highly similar with M.hongkongensis from Heshan, Guangdong, and the samples from Wanquan River belonged to a new geographical population of M.hongkongensis. Genetic distances within Macropodus species(0.136-0.238) are 10 times greater than the individuals within Hainan population (0.000-0.006) based on COI, which is consistent with the 10-fold theory and meets the needs of species valid identification. Genetic distance of populations in Hainan and Guangdong is 0.036, indicating that different geographical populations of M.hongkongensis have significant genetic differences. NJ trees also showed M. hongkongensis Hainan and Guangdong populations are clustered together, then grouped into one branch with M.erythropteru and further grouped with M.opercularis, finally grouped with M.chinensis. It is the first academic report about the M.hongkongensis Hainan population, and the results can provide the reference for the research of evolution and conservation of M.hongkongensis.
Key words:  Macropodus hongkongensis  Hainan geographical population  molecular identification  phylogenetic relationship