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1.内蒙古医科大学药学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010110;2.内蒙古医科大学附属医院药剂部,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010059
锁阳(Cynomorium songaricum)是寄生于白刺属(Nitraria L.)植物根部的肉质草本植物,含有多种生物活性成分,如黄酮类、萜类、氨基酸等。氨基酸是锁阳中的一类重要化合物,与锁阳的品质密切相关,具有较大的研究价值。本文通过查阅近几年的相关文献,从锁阳中含有的氨基酸种类、含量、生物活性、检测方法及人工培育前景等方面对锁阳中氨基酸类成分的研究现状进行整理和归纳,旨在为锁阳中氨基酸类成分的进一步研究、开发和利用提供一定的支持与帮助。
关键词:  锁阳  氨基酸  含量测定
基金项目:内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2017MS 891)
Research progress of amino acids in Cynomorium songaricum
WANG Jianhua1, WANG Kai1, CHENG Rui2, ZHANG Keqing1, PEI Jiying1
1.School of Pharmaceutical Science, Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010110, Inner Mongolia, China;2.Pharmacy Section of Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolian Medical University,Hohhot 010059, Inner Mongolia, China
Cynomorium songaricum is a succulent herb parasitic on the roots of Nitraria plants, which contains a variety of bioactive components, such as flavonoids, terpenes and amino acids. Amino acids are a kind of important compounds in C. songaricum, which are closely related to the quality of C. songaricum and have great research value. Based on the literatures in recent years, the research status of amino acid components in C. songaricum is summarized from the amino acid type, content, biological activity, detection methods and artificial cultivation prospect, aiming to provide some support and help for further research, development and utilization of amino acid components in C. songaricum.
Key words:  Cynomorium songaricum  amino acid  content determination