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1.湖北中医药大学 中药资源中心,湖北 武汉 430065;2.麻城市农业技术推广中心,湖北 麻城 438300;3.全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京100125;4.黄冈市农业科学院, 湖北 黄冈 438000;5.湖北省果茶办公室,湖北 武汉 430064
以湖北省麻城市福白菊传统种植模式中存在的问题为导向,总结归纳出福白菊轻简种植新模式,并阐明该模式在福白菊生产过程中解决的生态问题。通过实地调研以及课题组在福白菊种植方面的相关研究经验,在传统种植方式的基础上进行改进和修正、归纳福白菊种植模式的技术要点,并在麻城进行示范推广,探讨该种植模式的可行性。本模式的核心技术主要包括,“选择优良地方品种”(一种);“改传统老枝分株苗或老枝扦插苗为穴盘嫩枝扦插育苗 ”和“改单一连作模式为轮、间作模式”(二改);“调整定植时期”“调整种植密度”和调整施肥模式”(三调)的“一种二改三调”的生态种植模式。该模式在一定程度上解决了福白菊在传统种植模式中存在的病害严重、产质量不高问题,提供了菊花药材优质增产增效的有效手段,对福白菊的“三品一标”种植和经济效益的提高具有指导意义。
关键词:  福白菊  生态种植  产量  品质
Ecological planting mode of “one cultivation,two changes and three adjustments” of Fubaiju in Macheng
LIU Dahui1, LIAO Zhiyuan1, LIU Qi1, BAO Wuzhou2, JIANG Jingyi3, WANG Minghui4, MIAO Yuhuan1, MA Yiping5, BAO Jiangfeng5
1.Institute of China Academy of Chinese Material Science, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 430065, Hubei, China;2.Agro-Tech Extension and Service Center of Macheng City, Macheng 438300, Hubei, China;3.National Agro Technical Extension and Service Center, Beijing 100125, China;4.Agricultural and Science Academy of Huanggang City, Huanggang 438000, Hubei, China;5.Fruit and Tea Office of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430064, Hubei,China
Guided by the problems existing in the traditional planting mode of Fubaiju, a famous Chrysanthemi Flos in Macheng City of Hubei Province, the new mode of simplified and labor saving cultivation of Fubaiju has been established, and the ecological problems solved by this mode in the production process of Fubaiju are clarified. Through field investigation and experimental research in the planting of Fubaiju, the traditional planting mode of Fubaiju in Macheng City was improved and modified. And the technical points of new planting mode were summarized and applied in Macheng City to explore the applicability of this new planting mode. The core technology of the ecological planting model of Fubaiju in Macheng City mainly includes ‘one cultivation: selecting excellent local varieties’, ‘two changes: changing the traditional old branch division propagation or old branch cutting seedling for the shoot cutting seedling in plug tray and changing the single continuous cropping mode for rotation, intercropping mode’, and ‘three adjustments: adjusting planting period, adjusting planting density and adjusting fertilization mode’. This model can solve the problems existing in the traditional planting mode of Fubaiju, and provide an effective means to improve the yield and quality of Chrysanthemi Flos. It is instructive for the variety, quality, brand and standard planting as well as improvement of economic benefits of Chrysanthemi Flos in Macheng City.
Key words:  Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.  ecological planting model  yield  quality