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1.北京科技大学 化学与生物工程学院,北京 100083;2.宜宾学院 四川省油樟工程技术研究中心,四川 宜宾 644000;3.琼台师范学院 野生动植物资源保护与利用中心,海南 海口 571127;4.北京市第二十二中学,北京 100007;5.北京市第一七一中学,北京 100013
探究从油樟(Cinnamomum longipaniculatum)叶中提取出的不同极性黄酮样品对大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)、志贺杆菌(Shigella)、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)、稻瘟病菌(Magnaporthe grisea)和黄曲霉菌(Aspergillus flavus)五种病原菌的抑制作用。以五种病原菌为指示菌,将不同的黄酮样品滴加在滤纸片上,观察抑菌圈的大小。结果显示,样品Fr1、Fr2、Fr3、Fr4和Fr7对大肠杆菌有抑菌作用;样品Fr2、Fr3、Fr4、Fr5、Fr7和Fr8对志贺杆菌有抑菌作用;样品Fr4和Fr8对金黄色葡萄球菌有抑菌作用;样品过孔和Fr4对黄曲霉菌有抑菌作用;样品过孔对稻瘟病菌有抑菌作用。故不同极性的黄酮样品有良好的抑菌性。
关键词:  油樟叶  黄酮类  抑菌作用
Study on antimicrobial effect of flavonoids in Cinnamomum longipaniculatum camphor leaves
WU Xianyu1, FENG Xilong1, LI Li2, YANG Li2, WANG Wei3, YANG Jiayin4, RAO Xinyue4, LI Jinhao4, ZHAO Meng5, FENG Ruizhang2, WEI Qin2, LIU Yang1
1.School of Chemistry and Bioengineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;2.Key Lab of Aromatic Plant Resources Exploitation and Utilization in Sichuan Colleges and Universities, Yibin University, Yibin 644000, Sichuan, China;3.Research center for wild animal and plant resource protection and utilization, Qiongtai Normal Universiy, Haikou 571127, Hainan, China;4.Beijing No.22 Middle School, Beijing 100007, China;5.Beijing No.171 Middle School, Beijing 100013, China
The inhibitory effects of flavonoid samples with different polarity extracted from Cinnamomum longipaniculatum camphor leaves on Escherichia coliShigella Staphylococcus aureus Magnaporthe grisea, and Aspergillus flavus were explored. Five kinds of pathogens were used as indicators and different samples of flavonoids were dropped onto filter paper to observe the size of inhibition zone. The results show that samples Fr1, Fr2, Fr3, Fr4 and Fr7 have inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli; samples Fr2, Fr3, Fr4, Fr5, Fr7 and Fr8 have inhibitory effect on Shigella; samples Fr4 and Fr8 have inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus; samples Guokong and Fr4 have inhibitory effect on Aspergillus flavus; sample Guokong has inhibitory effect on Magnaporthe grisea. Therefore, flavonoid samples with different polarities have good antimicrobial activity.
Key words:  Cinnamomum longipaniculatum camphor leaf  flavonoid  antimicrobial effect