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1.北京林业大学 生态与自然保护学院, 北京 100083;2.生态环境部南京环境科学研究所 国家环境保护武夷山生态环境科学观测研究站/国家环境保护生物多样性与生物安全重点实验室,江苏 南京 210042
于2019年12月至2020年11月采用样线法对浙江省庆元县县域鸟的种类、生境、分布状况进行调查,本次调查共记录鸟类154种,隶属15目46科110属。鸟类物种组成以留鸟为主,其中留鸟93种(60.39%)、夏候鸟21种(13.64%)、冬候鸟21种(13.64%)、旅鸟19种(12.33%)。本次调查共记录到16种受威胁鸟类,鸟类资源的保护价值高。对空间分布格局分析表明,在水平方向上鸟类物种丰富度总体较高,百山祖国家公园(试点)内与国家公园(试点)外其他区域的物种数差异较小;在垂直方向上随着海拔的上升大致呈现先升高后下降的中峰模式。在调查样线的1 000 m缓冲尺度上,鸟类物种数和Pielou均匀度指数与灌丛面积占比呈显著正相关。各季节鸟类丰富度从高到低排序为:春季>秋季>夏季>冬季。本研究丰富了庆元县的鸟类本底资料,也为庆元县进行生物多样性保护决策提供了科学依据。
关键词:  庆元县  鸟类  季节变化  空间格局  生物多样性
Distribution pattern and seasonal variation of bird diversity in Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province
XU Jiliang1, WANG Yifei1, ZHANG Wenwen2, WU Yi2, CUI Peng2
1.School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;2.State Environmental Protection Scientific Observation and Research Station for Ecological Environment of Wuyi Mountains/State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory on Biodiversity and Biosafty, Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Nanjing 210042, Jiangsu, China
In order to comprehensively understand the status of bird diversity in Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province, we investigated the species, habitat and distribution of birds in the county by line transect method from December 2019 to November 2020. The results showed that a total of 154 species of birds were recorded, belonging to 15 orders and 46 families and 110 genus. Among them, the number of resident birds was highest, there were 93 (60.39%) resident birds, 21 (13.64%) summer migratory birds, 21 (13.64%) winter migratory birds, and 19 (12.34%) traveling birds. There were 16 threatened bird species recorded in the survey, the conservation value of bird resources was high. The spatial distribution pattern of birds in Qingyuan County showed that the bird species richness was relatively high in the horizontal direction, and the difference between baishanzu National Park (pilot) and other areas was relatively small. In the vertical direction, it showed a single–peak pattern of rising first and then decreasing with the increase of altitude. The species abundance and Pielou evenness index were significantly positively correlated with the shrub area ratio at the 1000 m scale. The seasonal order of bird species abundance in Qingyuan County was spring>autumn>summer>winter. This study not only enriches the background data of birds, but also provides a scientific basis for the decision-making of biodiversity conservation in Qingyuan County.
Key words:  Qingyuan County  bird  seasonal variation  spatial pattern  biological diversity