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1.云南师范大学 地理学部, 云南 昆明 650000;2.广西民族师范学院 广西生态环境资源研究中心, 广西 崇左 532200
关键词:  黑水河湿地  生物多样性  现状  保护  利用
Biodiversity status and protection countermeasures of Heishui River wetland in Guangxi
LE Yongxuan1,2, WEI Shanhao2, SHI Zhengtao1, LI Meifeng2, HUANG Yinglan2, CHEN Xuelian2, SUN Baolian2
1.Department of Geography, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650000, Yunnan, China;2.Guangxi Ecological Environment Resources Research Center, Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities, Chongzuo 532200, Guangxi, China
The wetland in the Heishui River basin in Guangxi belongs to the Pearl River water system, and its upper reach flows through Vietnam, which is an international river. The ecological niche has the transnational protection significance because it is one of the 17 key areas for biodiversity protection in China, located in the biological area along the border between China and Vietnam. The whole basin field investigation of the wetland biodiversity protection current situation was carried out by route method in January 2021. The results show that there are various types of wetland habitats in the Heishui River basin, which not only gathers a wide variety of organisms, but also breeds biological groups unique for the habitat staggered areas. Wetland fish and bird species diversity is observed at higher levels, wetland biodiversity level belongs to the general level, with certain typicality and rarity. The biodiversity protection and utilization are affected by harmful factors such as water quality declining, ecological and environmental pollution, biological invasion and inadequate resource management. We should strengthen the habitat restoration, improve the relevant laws and regulations, establish a biological resources database, and effectively manage and rationally develop and utilize the wetland biological resources based on wetland parks.
Key words:  Heishui River wetland  biodiversity  current situation  conservation  utilization