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中国科学院西北高原生物研究所 青海省藏药研究重点实验室,青海 西宁 810001
调查青海省甘肃雪灵芝药材资源的分布、生境和利用现状,建立高效液相色谱法对不同产区药材中异牡荆苷、异金雀花素、苜蓿素和Salcolin B等黄酮类化合物进行同时定量分析,比较不同产区上述成分的含量差异。结果发现甘肃雪灵芝在青海省主要分布于大坂山、巴颜喀拉山、乱石头山、苦海滩、昆仑山、昌麻河流域等4 000~5 000 m的高山流石坡和高寒草甸,植物群落的科、属组成分散,构成相对简单,以草本层为主;药材的表型性状(株高、冠径、叶形指数)和上述黄酮类化合物含量在不同产区均存在一定差异。大坂山产的甘肃雪灵芝株高和冠径均最大,黄酮类化合物含量也最高,其中苜蓿素平均含量高达0.322 mg/g;而苦海滩产的甘肃雪灵芝植株矮小、叶形指数和冠径较小、主根较短,且所含的上述黄酮类成分较少,尤其苜蓿素(0.039 mg/g)和Salcolin B(0.012 mg/g)含量显著低于其他产区。此外,本研究建立的高效液相色谱法用于测定上述黄酮化合物,简便高效,重现性和分离度均较好。该结果可为甘肃雪灵芝药材的质量控制与评价及资源可持续利用提供科学依据。
关键词:  甘肃雪灵芝  资源调查  黄酮类化合物  含量测定
Resource investigation of Arenaria kansuensis Maxim. and the differences of its flavonoid contents
LIU Zenggen, YANG Guixiong, TAO Yanduo
Key Laboratory of Tibetan Medicine Research of Qinghai Province, Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xining 810001, Qinghai, China
The distribution, habitat and utilization of A. kansuensis (AK) resources in Qinghai Province were investigated comprehensively, and the preferable high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method was used for determination and analysis of flavonoids (isovitexin, isoscoparin, tricin and salcolin B) in AK herbs. The results demonstrated that AK resources were mainly distributed in alpine meadow and rock-flowing hillside regions with an altitude of 4 000 ~ 5 000 m, including Daban Mountain, Bayan Har Mountain, Luanshitou Mountain, Kuhai Beach, Kunlun Mountain and Changmahe River Basin. The family and genus compositions of plant community were relatively simple, mainly herbaceous layer. Some significant differences were detected in phenotypic traits and the contents of these flavonoids in AK collected from different regions. The maximum plant height and crown diameter of AK were found in Daban Mountain, and their flavonoid contents were also the highest, especially the tricin average content reached up to 0.322 mg/g. However, the AK herbs in Kuhai Beach had minimum plant height, crown diameter and leaf shape index, and their taproots were shorter. Additionally, they also had low flavonoid content, especially tricin and salcolin B contents were significantly lower (0.039 and 0.012 mg/g) than other production regions. Furthermore, it is indicated that the HPLC method is simple, accurate, efficient, and suitable for determination and analysis of these flavonoids in AK, with good reproducibility and separation of chromatographic peaks. In summary, this research could be helpful for the quality control and evaluation of AK resources, and contribute to the sustainable utilization of these Tibetan herbs.
Key words:  Arenaria kansuensis Maxim.  resource investigation  flavonoid compound  content determination