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1.山东中医药大学 药学院,山东 济南 250355;2.山东中医药大学附属医院 药学部,山东 济南 250355
为研究北柴胡种子内生菌的群落结构与多样性。采用Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术,分别对山西(BC_1)、黑龙江(BC_2)、河北(BC_3)和内蒙古(BC_4)的四个产地(4份)北柴胡种子的16S RNA V3-V4区和ITS1区扩增片段进行测序,并对内生细菌和内生真菌群落结构和多样性进行分析。结果表明,BC_3内生细菌与内生真菌丰富度与多样性最高,BC_4内生菌丰富度最低。4种不同产地北柴胡种子共有的内生细菌优势菌门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria),占77.77%;内生真菌优势菌门为担子菌门(Basidiomycota),占67.82%。共有的内生细菌优势菌属为鞘脂单胞菌(Sphingomonas),占18.30%,内生真菌优势菌属为Papiliotrema(41.35%)。种水平内生真菌丰度水平较高的为金黄蝶形担孢酵母(Papiliotrema aurea),占38.67%;内生细菌丰度水平较高的为根球假单胞菌(Pseudomonas rhizosphaerae),占15.56%。在属水平上,4种不同产地北柴胡种子中内生细菌与内生真菌群落结构均有差异。北柴胡种子内生菌资源丰富,功能多样,对北柴胡种子萌发和生长发育具有重要影响。
关键词:  北柴胡种子  内生菌多样性  高通量测序
Community structure and diversity of endophytes of Bupleurum chinense DC. seeds
DU Kan1, GENG Yannan2, LIU Li1, GAO Demin1
1.School of Pharmacy, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SDTCM), Jinan 250355, Shandong, China;2.Affiliated hospital of SDTCM, Jinan 250355, Shandong, China
In order to analyze the species abundance and diversity of endophytes in Bupleurum chinense DC. seeds, the amplified fragments of 16S RNA V3-V4 region and ITS1 region of representative Bupleurum chinense DC. seeds from Shanxi (BC_1), Heilongjiang (BC_2), Hebei (BC_3) and Inner Mongolia (BC_4) were sequenced by Illumina Miseq high-throughput sequencing technique, and the community structure and diversity of endophytic bacteria and fungi were analyzed. The results showed that the richness and diversity of endophytic bacteria and fungi in BC_3 was the highest, while the richness of endophytes in BC_4 was the lowest. The dominant phylum of endophytic bacteria in Bupleurum chinense DC. seeds from four different habitats were Proteobacteria (77.77%), and the dominant phylum of endophytic fungi were Basidiomycota (67.82%). The dominant genus of endophytic bacteria was Sphingomonas (18.30%), and the dominant genus of endophytic fungi was Papiliotrema (41.35%). The high abundance of endophytic fungi was Papiliotrema aurea (38.67%) and the high abundance of endophytic bacteria was Pseudomonas rhizosphaerae (15.56%). There were differences in the community structure of endophytic bacteria and fungi in the B. chinense DC. seeds from four different habitats at the genus level. The endophytes in the B. bupleurum DC. seeds are rich in resources and diverse in functions, which have an important impact on seed germination, growth and development.
Key words:  Bupleurum chinense DC. seed  endophyte diversity  high-throughput sequencing