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陕西理工大学 生物科学与工程学院,陕西 汉中 723000
关键词:  根被组织  分布  形态与类型  作用
基金项目:陕西省教育厅重点实验室科研计划项目 (18JS017)
A review of the studies on velamen radicum of epiphytic orchids
CAO Xiaoyong, ZHANG Na, HU Xuanping, QIN Gongwei, WANG Bin, ZHANG Mengqi
School of Biological Science and Engineering, Shaanxi Sci-Tech University, Hanzhong 723000, Shaanxi, China
Velamen radicum is identified as a typical adaptive structural feature of the roots of epiphytic orchids, terrestrial orchids, some Maryllidaceae plants, Araceae, Dioscoreaceae and Liliaceae. The mature root cover tissue is a white sheath composed of about 1~25 layers of dead cells, of which the cell walls are usually thickened in a spiral pattern, a velvety or reticulate, feathery structure with a spongy texture. The tissue has six morphologies applied to taxonomic teatures, which can be divided into 12 types, and the tissue has the functions of mechanical protection, water conservation and nutrient adsorption. Through the research of the distribution, external morphology and type, and function of velamen radicum, it is found that there are some aspects need to be further explored in the study of velamen radicum: to define the concept of the tissue to provide the experimental basis for the function, to study the distribution of the tissue to provide more data for the study of the tissue in non-epiphytic orchids, and to explore the process of the tissue development in non-epiphytic orchids.
Key words:  velamen radicum  distribution  form and type  function