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1.连云港职业技术学院,江苏 连云港 222006;2.正大天晴药业集团股份有限公司,江苏 连云港 222062
关键词:  未培养微生物  互作  共培养技术  分离  培养
Advances of co-cultivation and isolation technology based on microbial interaction
WANG Chong1, WAN Hongshan1, CHANG Yaqi2, SUN Xujun1, MA Zeliang1
1.Lianyungang Technical College,Lianyungang 222006, Jiangsu, China;2.Zhengda Tianqing Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., Lianyungang 222062, Jiangsu, China
It is widely recognized that bacteria in nature exist in complex communities. Each cell may be filled with a variety of metabolites produced by neighboring cells, so that there are various forms of interaction between cells. Studies have shown that auxotrophic strains can use metabolites produced by other strains for growth when strains are co-cultured. In addition, co-cultivation can also change the microenvironment of the media, stimulate the expression of the silent gene of the strain and change the dormant state of the strain. In recent years, co-cultivation technology that simulates the interaction between microorganisms has been gradually applied to the isolation of microorganisms, and this method is considered to be effective in isolating uncultivated microorganisms. According to the published literature, we review the research progress of co-cultivation and isolation technology in recent years through comprehensive analysis of the main potential co-cultivable taxa diversity and the application status of co-cultivation technology used for the isolation of uncultivated microorganisms. We hope that this article can provide new prospects for microbial isolation technology and the discovery of microbial resources.
Key words:  uncultured microorganism  interaction  co-cultivation technology  isolation  cultivation