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中国林业科学研究院资源昆虫研究所 国家林业局资源昆虫培育与利用重点实验室,云南 昆明 650224
由于具有较好的营养价值以及较高的食物转化效率,食用昆虫特别是蟋蟀受到普遍关注。在双斑蟋(Gryllus bimaculatus,GB)营养成分测定的基础上,对比家蟋(Acheta domesticus,AD)和黑蟋(Gryllus testaceus,GT)的营养及含量,分析评价了双斑蟋的使用价值。结果显示:双斑蟋水分含量71.0%、粗蛋白含量58.60%(干重)、粗脂肪含量28.90%(干重)、粗纤维含量7.23%(干重)、灰分4.93%(干重);蛋白含量与黑蟋相当而高于家蟋,粗脂肪和灰分含量要高于家蟋和黑蟋;双斑蟋含有17种氨基酸,总氨基酸含量51.03%(干重),必需氨基酸含量24.76%(干重)、占总氨基酸的48.3%,氨基酸含量低于其他两种蟋蟀;双斑蟋中常量元素含量最高的为钾(6 416 mg/kg,干重)、含量最低的是钙(92 mg/kg,干重),微量元素中锌含量较高(241 mg/kg,干重);双斑蟋油脂中不饱和脂肪酸的相对含量为65.33%,以亚油酸(37.05%)和油酸(25.86%)为主、饱和脂肪酸以棕榈酸(25.44%)和硬脂酸(8.74%)为主。双斑蟋的脂肪酸组成、含量与家蟋相近,而与黑蟋的脂肪酸组成差别较大,三种蟋蟀中含量最高的饱和脂肪酸为棕榈酸,而含量最高的不饱和酸为亚油酸。结果表明,双斑蟋的必需氨基酸组成符合FAO/WHO推荐的氨基酸构成比例的蛋白条件,具有较高的营养价值和食用价值。
关键词:  双斑蟋  营养成分  氨基酸组成  食用昆虫
分类号:Q 965
Nutritional composition analysis and evaluation of the two-spotted cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)
HE Zhao, SUN Long, WANG Chengye, FENG Ying, ZHAO Min
Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Utilization of Resource Insects, Research Institute of Resource Insects,Chinese Academy of Forestry, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China
Edible insects, particularly crickets, are becoming popular due to their nutritional value and efficiency in food conversion. By analyzing the nutritional components of two-spotted cricket, its nutritional value was evaluated to provide basis for its food supplement. The moisture content of two-spotted cricket was 71.0%, and food nutrients identified on dry weight were: 58.60% protein, 28.90% fat, 7.23% crude fiber, and 4.93% ash. The protein content was equivalent to black cricket (GT) but higher than house cricket (AD), while the contents of ash and crude fiber were higher than two others. 17 kinds of amino acids were found in the two-spots cricket, and total amino acid content was 51.03%, including 24.76% essential amino acid, the proportion of essential to total amino acid was 48.3%. The content of total amino acid was lower than AD and GT. Minerals included potassium (6 416 mg/kg, DW), Calcium (92 mg/kg, DW), Zinc (241 mg/kg, DW). Unsaturated fatty acid content was 65.33%, the percentages of oleic acid, linolic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid were 25.86%, 37.05%, 25.44% and 8.74% respectively. The fatty acid composition and content of two-spotted crickets were similar to AD, but were different to GT. Essential amino acids of two-spotted cricket were in accord with the ideal protein pattern established by WHO/FAO, and it has high nutritional value and edible value.
Key words:  Gryllus bimaculatus  nutritional components  amino acids composition  edible insects